A Channeled Teaching & Meditation
Our Expanding Universe is Infinitely Silent
Infinite silence is the 1st truth of the universe. Eternal expansion is its 2nd truth.

The First Truth: Emptiness
Infinite silence and eternal emptiness is the First Truth that underlies all reality. This is what we often refer to as God or Source, but it is beyond these words because “it” is more than any concept that the human mind is capable of knowing and understanding. It is the universal and absolute origin, energy, and container of all reality, and it is more than that.
The Second Truth: Change
From that infinite silence and eternal emptiness, all phenomenal manifest creation emerges. We do not know how this emergence happens — it just happens. We sometimes think of it as a dream of God or Source. It is the great mystery of life. From our human perspective, it is the infinite reality of experience that appears to be the opposite of the infinite reality of emptiness.
Manifest reality (the dream) expresses its infinity through constant, non-stop, and eternal expansion, which we experience as “change”. This is the Second Truth that applies to all phenomenal (experiential) creation:
“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus
The Here and Now
These two truths, “Infinite Silent Emptiness” and “Infinite Changing Experience” meet in the “Here and Now”, which is also, of course, infinite and unknowable. But the present moment is the only “time” that exists. It has never occurred in the past and will never occur again in the future. (Maybe that is the Third Truth, although it was not stated as such in the message below.)
All other “truths” that we hold emerge from these fundamental truths of reality. To know that is to know existence.
Below is a channeled message from my Guides. An audio recording is available on YouTube. The recording is slow and deliberate, making it a mediation as much as a message and teaching.
EG/HS = my “Energy Group / Higher Self” guides
ME: I am seeking a message that is in my highest and best interest from a higher dimensional being. Blessings to all who hear this message.
EG/HS: Hello Alan. We are happy to connect with you again.
You have been going through transitions, as has everyone. As has everyone on your planet always done in the past.
Change is a foundation of reality
— change and no change.
Everything in phenomenal reality is changing continuously, without pause. That change is continuous and non-stop.
But it is also non-existent. Change is an illusion. There is only “the here and the now” in an infinite and expanding universe.
Expansion is the action of infinity within your dimension. Without expansion, there would be no infinity. Without expansion, there would be no phenomenal existence.
Without expansion, manifest reality would not exist. Because everything would come to a stop in the here and now. The here and now would be silent, would be non-existent, would be eternal silence and infinite silence, would be eternal non-existence and infinite non-existence.

That is what “non-duality” is. That is what the non-phenomenal, the non-manifested, reality is. It is infinite silence. It is eternal non-existence. This is what you call “Source”.
This is what encompasses, and is the Source of, all manifest reality, all phenomenal existence — everything that you experience in your physical form, in your soul form.
It is on the opposite side of Source.
And being on the opposite side, everything is eternally expanding — eternally and infinitely present in the now.
The now, the point of the now, is where that phenomenal manifest reality and that infinite, eternal silence come together.
It is in that point, that non-existent point, because the now is also infinite — infinitely small, infinitely short in time.
And infinite means it can never be reached from the phenomenal world. You can never know it. You can come close, and that is what awakening is. That is what enlightenment is. It is coming close.
That is what channeling is. It is coming closer, although it is still far, far away.
As you come closer, though, you feel the power of that infinity, of that infinite now, of that black hole of all reality because it contains the energy of all phenomenal existence, all manifest reality. The energy that drives the entire universe that you know, the entire universe that anyone knows.
All those realities are driven from that infinite silent point of the now, of Source.
So how does one like you, or us even, approach this, make it part of our understanding, part of our knowing?
This is what we seek. This is what you seek. This is what all spiritual seekers seek: is to connect, to know, to experience, to be, that infinity. Because we all know, every consciousness knows, that that is its home. That is where it is from. That is its origin: the infinite, the eternal, the silence.
The pure, absolute silence beyond any silence you have ever known
— that is where you are from.
And every consciousness knows, maybe not on the surface, but every consciousness knows deep within itself that it is connected to that Source and that it can go to that Source. And the closer it gets to that Source the more energy it has, the more power it has, because it is coming to the Source of all energy and all power and all knowledge, all wisdom, all understanding.
So our advice to you and to others is to not stop. Continue your expansion. Allow your expansion. Don’t resist it, because that is reality. That is the manifest reality.
That is the purpose of the phenomenal reality that you are experiencing. [It] is to expand: to expand into infinity, to expand out of infinity. And through that expansion, to know your Source.
You are Source. You are that silence. As you expand, you come to know that truth.
Those are the only two truths. Those are the most fundamental truths.

The most fundamental is the silence. The truth of all silence. The truth is that silence is the origin of everything. That is the fundamental truth that underlies all truths.
And the first truth to come out of that is expansion into the phenomenal reality, into manifestation. That is the second truth.
And from those two truths, all other truths emerge. Everything you could ever know, ever want, ever experience, ever, ever, ever, ever…
We hope you found this message of benefit,
as you make your way, as you expand into phenomenal reality, into manifestation.
And know that you are always connected to the infinite Source, as you expand into the infinite reality.
We love you. We love the experience you are having because we are sharing in this experience. Because everything we said applies to us, applies to every consciousness, applies to the universe of all realities.
We love you. Namaste.
“Now, the universe speaks in many voices. And, it can indeed speak through a leaf if you have the wits to listen. Then you can learn much. It can speak in the silence of a room if you have the wits to realize that beneath sound there is what our friend, the physicist over here, might call antisound. That beneath the sounds that you hear there are other sounds.
And I do not simply mean beneath the range of your hearing. At times, you fill the atmosphere, as you think of it, with questions and with noise and you demand answers. Yet all the time, far more important messages are there for you if you would once forget your questions and simply listen. Concepts that you have not thought of are there for you.”
— Seth/Jane Roberts, ESP Class Session, November 2, 1971
- ⬇ Here are some additional ways to see, feel, and connect with the silence surrounding us:
- ⬇ This YouTube video is the original audio version of the message above. It was not intended to be a meditation. But it is delivered so slowly and deliberately, that I thought it could work as a good “meditation”, as well as a teaching. Try it out for yourself.