Thoughts, Reflection, Life
Opposing Dawn
A Mirror Reflects, We do the Same

The sun will set, and it will rise
You can view It with your naked eyes
Oh, how these same eyes can look past
Life’s simple pleasures; I am aghast
To dismiss such treasures with a yawn
It is like denying sun, opposing dawn
A mirror reflects; we do the same
Introspection of one’s solid frame
The deepest thoughts we lock up inside
Are forgotten brush strokes; a canvass denied
To hang a picture that is half-drawn
It is like denying sun; opposing dawn
People will come, and people will go
But this is part of life; I must tell you so
The hardest part is getting past the pain
But within each encounter, a lesson to gain
To feel an ending makes you a prawn
It is like denying sun, opposing dawn
In times of sadness, let go and cry
Bathe in your tears, do not deny
Our feelings are the strength we will often rob
The truth is, even an elephant will sob
Dismissing simple feelings, expression; awn
It is like denying sun; opposing dawn