avatarMerve Erçin


Once you manifest correctly, the shift happens. (This is how I did it.)

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I have published an article about how I manifested my house in two years. You can see it below. You have shown a great interest in this article, and I am going to teach you what exactly manifestation is and how you can do it as well.

In 1920, the world learned about a new idea in physics from Niels Bohr and Warner Heisenberg. They said that tiny particles exist in many possible states all at once. But when we look at them, they choose one state.

Then, in 1957, Hugh Everett had another idea. He said every possible outcome happens in its own universe. So, when something is observed, the universe splits into many parts, each with a different outcome.

It is a little theoretical. But both of these ideas agree on one thing:

Observing something changes it.

Many beliefs and cultures all mention this idea of “observation”. I believe that if we focus our attention in the right way, we can change things in our lives.

In this article, I’ll show you how to do that.

How does focusing work? Imagine you’re stuck at some point in your life. Maybe you’re facing the same problems again and again. This is because your energy isn’t moving. But what controls this energy? Your focus. Remember;

Wherever attention goes, energy flows.

Polar and Non-Polar Focus

We have two types of focus: polar (positive or negative) and non-polar (neutral). Polar focus can attract or push away things. But non-polar focus doesn’t do either; it just observes.

Here’s an example: For example, if you have a high bill and only focus on the negative, bad things will happen. But if you see it neutrally or positively, things will stay the same or get better.

For most people, they’re stuck in a cycle. They’re scared of past mistakes, so they keep making the same ones. But we can change this by understanding our two types of focus: polar or non-polar. And then we can decide what we want to focus on.

The key is to combine these two types of focus. Let’s say you have a big bill. If you see it neutrally, nothing will change. If you see it positively, good things might happen.

Most people resist past mistakes. But if we accept them, they lose power over us.

We tend to feel more scared of failure than excited about success. But we can change that. We can decide to focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want. It is possible by practising it.

Let’s talk about how to do this in three steps:

1) Accept and Move On

When you truly accept something, you stop fighting it. You can’t fight and accept something at the same time. It’s important to know this. In the same way, if you have a goal, sometimes you just need to step back and let things happen.

So as a first step, fully accept what happening now. No matter what problems you have, imagine the worst thing that could happen. Remember that life will still continue. People worry if they think about the worst, it will happen. No. But if you stop fighting this thought, you won’t make them stronger. This idea is about accepting things as they are.

2) See the Positive Side

After accepting what’s happening, think about the worst possible outcome. For example, if I earn 5K a month now, what if next month I earn nothing? Think about the absolute worst. Don’t mix up what you do with who you are. Once you’ve thought the worst thing, accept it. This makes you let go of its importance.

Then, think about how this bad situation might actually be a good thing. Everything that happens is neutral; our thoughts make them good or bad. This is easier to do once you have accepted the situation. If something just went wrong, first accept it. Then, when you feel better, you can start to see its positive side.

3) Focus on What You Want:

Now that you’ve accepted things and tried to see the positive, think about what you really want. For example, if one house doesn’t work out, think about the perfect house for you.

When you get good at this method, you’ll feel unstoppable. This process helps you choose your future based on where you put your attention. Many old beliefs talk about the importance of attention. We first pay neutral attention by accepting things. Then we see the good side, and finally, we think positively.

Some people try to be positive without accepting their feelings. This doesn’t work well. If you feel bad, first accept it. Then, when you’re calm, you can be positive. If you just say positive things without believing them, they won’t help you.

Getting what you want is about focusing your attention, understanding the mirror principle, and changing how you see yourself.

Please let me know your thoughts on this. I hope it makes sense. I can write about this topic for hours and hours :)

But that’s it for today. Peace out.

Merve Erçin

Self Improvement
Positive Thinking
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