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I Manifested My Dream House in 2 Years. This Is How.

Photo by Frames For Your Heart on Unsplash

I never believed in manifesting. At least I thought so. You may have read or watched some videos about how people manifest a huge amount of something in one month.

This isn't one of those articles. This is my reality.

I was living in a rental duplex house at the age of 25, and I didn't even have a full-time job.

I remember the moment I first saw this rental house and fell in love with it. Especially with its beautiful wooden stairs going upstairs. I rented it immediately.

Whenever I went upstairs, I touched the wooden stairs and wondered whether the landlord knew how lucky she was and whether I would have a house like this one day.

At the age of 27, I bought a similar house with exactly the same wooden stairs.

Let me explain what actually happened behind the scenes.

The power of the brain

In his presentation, Unleash Your Super Brain to Learn Faster, Jim Kwik gives a great set of metaphors.

You can decide to act as a thermostat or a thermometer. While the thermometer simply measures the surrounding conditions, the thermostat adjusts and determines the desired environment.

Have you heard about visualization?

Visualization is a method that empowers you to define the parameters, turning your envisioned future into reality.

Through creative visualization, you instruct your mind to concentrate on your highest priorities, employing a method known as selective attention.

Selective Attention is the keyword here.

Have you ever heard about something for the first time and suddenly realized everyone else was already talking about it?

We see the things that we choose to focus on.

When it was time for me to buy a house for myself, I recognized it the moment I saw it because I knew what I had wanted for so long.


You need to know what exactly you want so that you dont miss the chance when it comes to you. It will come. One way or another.

So why not focus on amazing things and see what happens?

Do your best and let the rest.

Everyone knows that we need to work on our goals if we want to achieve certain things. Sometimes hard work, sometimes easy work. But there is always work.

I had been working hard for years without even thinking of buying a house. To be honest, it seemed like an impossible dream.

But at least I didn't spend my energy on negative thoughts such as “I will never be able to afford it; I will never own a house; The economy is bad; I don't make enough money.”

I just focused on what I could do at the moment. I did my best and let the rest.

So here’s a thought: Since we’re all putting in the effort anyway, why not channel our thoughts positively? Why get tangled up in worries about tomorrow when we can focus on today?

Here comes the matter of “trust”. Trusting that things are not always in our control but will turn out the best for us.

Trusting and letting go help us use our energy better. It shifts our mindset from being stuck in the past to focusing on the present.


Do your best and trust the universe. The best is going to happen to you.

A quiet mind tells you the truth.

In order to channel with your higher self, it is so important to actually hear yourself. What is actually going on in your mind? Sometimes life gets in the way, and it is so easy to lose track of your desires.

I have been doing meditation for so many years and here is my article on how it changed my habits profoundly, if you are interested. But how can it help me have my dream house?

To put it simply, meditation is focusing on the moment. When you practice focusing on the moment, you gain the skill to focus on everything else in your life. For example, while working, you become more productive. While spending money, you become conscious. While eating or exercising, you gain quick results.

Overall, I believe there is nothing a focused mind cannot do.

While I was doing all the necessary work and trusting life, I was completely focused on my moments.

I could take the right actions thanks to a clear mindset.


There is nothing a focused mind cannot do.

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