avatarJanaka Stagnaro


The webpage presents a humorous collection of five nautical-themed limericks inspired by a prompt from Willow Schroeder.


The article titled "On Sea and Land" features a series of five whimsical limericks that play with maritime themes and characters, including a cook catching a mermaid, a cat and rat on a raft, a pussycat and owl on a boat, a seaman named Mandy, and a frisky husband named Sid. The limericks are designed to entertain and elicit a range of reactions from the reader, from amusement to eyebrow-raising. The author, Janaka Stagnaro, acknowledges a recent increase in writing limericks, attributing this surge to a literary malady and a love for the rolling of eyes that his puns and limericks induce. He expresses gratitude to those who have read through his work and hints at a chronic penchant for punning, which he fears may not bode well for his wife or his readers. The article also provides links to previous limerick collections and credits the inspiration for these limericks to a prompt from Willow Schroeder on Pier 21 Prompts.


  • The author embraces the playful and humorous nature of limericks, expecting and perhaps even hoping for exaggerated reactions from his audience.
  • There is a self-awareness and humor in the author's acknowledgment of his own tendency to write limericks, which he jokingly refers to as a "literary malady."
  • The author seems to take pleasure in the creation of limericks that challenge social norms or expectations, as evidenced by the characters' unconventional behaviors (e.g., a seaman wearing women's panties, a husband acting like a child).
  • The inclusion of a credit to Willow Schroeder and a link to the Pier 21 Prompts suggests that the author values community and collaboration within the writing process.
  • The author appears to be conscious of the potential impact of his writing on his wife and readers, recognizing that his work might be received with both enjoyment and a measure of exasperation.

On Sea and Land

Five limericks to roll your eyeballs in your head blamed on a prompt

Image by Amy from Pixabay

the cook wanted to cook a new dish he cast out a net to catch some fish but a mermaid he caught well endowed, they all thought ever since then, the crew smelled of fish

a cat, a rat set sail on a raft all exclaimed that the rodent was daft but little did they know only it knew where to go the cat couldn’t read the treasure map

there lived a pussycat and an owl who sailed alone on a boat somehow for this naval mission forgot their provisions the bird said I’m out of here — ciao

on board served a seaman named Mandy a famous singer of sea shanties he’d sing them every day “he’s a sailor, he’s okay” though he wears only women’s panties

there was a frisky husband named Sid whose wife said he was more like a kid as she dressed to go to work he would act like a jerk she’d send him out to walk with his Id

there once was this guy named Janaka who played all night his harmonica his wife cried out no more anything for peace once more so once again, they did frollica

— Janaka Stagnaro

If you made it this far, I thank you. Two posts of limericks in a week, there must be some sort of literary malady besetting upon me. For this collection of maladjusted thoughts, I blame Willow Schroeder for her limerick prompt (see down below).

However, I do have a confession. As a chronic punner, I do relish the rolling of eyes and I am afraid these last collections of limericks do the trick. And this will fare poorly for my wife and you dear readers.

If you dare, my previous limerick collection.

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