No More Stories: How to Stop Repeating the Same ol’ Story, Part 1 of 3
Originally published on on Jul 12, 2012, at 10:28am
As a majority we have gotten so used to participating in the world in ways that reflect others expectations, goals and needs. The collective unconscious can weigh in on us whether we are conscious or not so conscious that this is happening.
Many souls are out there struggling, trying to fit into some generic prototype that doesn’t quite reflect Who They Are or what they are here to share/be.
Why is this?
Our diversity and uniqueness are what makes us beautiful.
For example, if you are a person who doesn’t seek 2.5 kids, the partner/wife/husband, the fancy title or the white picket fence, when you venture out into the world you find that sometimes people don’t consider that not everyone has chosen or even desires such a path.
All it takes is but a moment of our time for us stop and be present with who is before us, and to attune with them.
Those who are an active part of the majority mind-stream tend, at times, to assume that everyone seeks and desires such things in life. For example, a silent (meaning not outwardly palpable) ascetic will constantly be asked, ‘Are you married, do you have children, what do you do?’ Too often, people don’t stop to think that these are not everyone’s goals in life. We are all here learning different things.
It is our life, our choice.
Instead, lets choose to be more present and ask: How are you, and then listen to the response that we are blessed to hear!
Those who walk outside the boundary lines of the ‘majority’ norms are quite often asked questions that have little or no relevance to their personal path in life, and that oft reflect only the chosen path of the one who is doing the asking.
Some of the most amazing theories and ‘things’ in our world today were created by those who dared to step outside of all the man-made boxes we are often unconsciously projected into. In fact, there are many scientists who were laughed at or deemed nuts by their peers when they first mentioned a ‘new’ theory or concept they had personally realized — think Einstein, Higgs, Newton. Dare to step outside the illusionary box.
There are no boxes.
Take a moment and attune to those that you encounter daily and relate from that space. In this way, each experience you encounter will be that much deeper, and each Soul will learn ever more about the beauty that is at once, our uniqueness and our Divinity.
For part 2, click here.
Thank you for reading!
If anything has come to heart and/or mind upon reading this piece, I would love to hear from you! Please share in comments below.
Soul to Soul,
Creative Hearts Align