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Richard Warepam, a 22-year-old data scientist and entrepreneur, shares his journey of building a 3K-follower community on Medium by writing about data science and AI, taking a hiatus due to monetization restrictions, and returning with a renewed commitment to his craft and audience.


Richard Warepam, at 22, has established himself as a prominent voice in the field of data science and AI through his Medium blog. His personal branding journey began in early 2022, and within two months, he amassed 1,000 followers. Despite facing geographic restrictions that prevented him from monetizing his content in India, he continued to grow his follower base to 3,000. After a period of inactivity due to financial pressures, he experienced an emotional awakening that led him to understand the value of trust and community. Upon his return to Medium in September 2023, Richard implemented a three-pronged strategy to re-engage his audience: publishing insightful articles, creating digital products, and launching a newsletter. His efforts have resulted in increased engagement, the sale of eBooks, and a growing subscriber base for his newsletter. Richard's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of building trust with one's audience.


  • Richard values the trust of his audience above immediate financial gain, recognizing it as the foundation of a successful business.
  • He believes in the significance of providing value and maintaining a connection with his followers, even when direct monetization is not possible.
  • Richard acknowledges the mistake of pausing his writing and the impact it had on his community, emphasizing the importance of consistency in content creation.
  • He is passionate about exploring and creating in the realm of AI, likening himself to a child in a candy store when it comes to technological exploration.
  • Richard is committed to sharing his knowledge and experiences, aiming to be seen as a mentor and guide in data science and AI.
  • He sees his return to Medium as a fresh start, with a focus on long-term growth and the enrichment of his readers' experiences through diverse content offerings.

About Me: My Personal Branding Journey on Medium to 3K Followers

From Zero to Hero

Hello, readers! I’m Richard Warepam.

It’s a quiet, late-night — 12:09 am on November 28, 2023, to be precise. Tonight, I feel a deep urge to share a story close to my heart. This isn’t about data science or AI, my usual topics.

Instead, it’s a personal story of growth, of how I went from no followers to a thriving community of 3,000 on Medium.

My World in a Nutshell

At 22, my life is a blend of dreams and reality.

By day, I run multiple small businesses and also work as a freelance data scientist, providing actionable insights for businesses.

By night, I turn to Medium, where I pour my heart into articles about data science and AI.

But there’s more to me — I find solace in music, creating melodies that echo my thoughts and feelings. And in this advancing world of AI, I’m like a kid in a candy store, always excited to explore and create.

The Beginning of My Medium Adventure

My Medium journey started in early 2022, full of hopes and a bit of uncertainty. It was like planting a seed without knowing if it would grow.

But grow it did, and fast! In just two months, I was thrilled to see 1,000 followers joining me on this journey.

My articles were catching fire, spreading far and wide. Yet, I hit a roadblock — I couldn’t earn from my writing due to geographic restrictions(India). This was more than a setback; it was a heartbreak.

Some of my best-performing articles:

  1. 6 Algorithms Every Developer Should Know
  2. How to Conduct an Effective Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  3. 7 Books to Be the Top Data Engineer
  4. How to Perform A/B Testing Using Python
  5. Top 50+ ChatGPT Personas for Custom Instructions

The Mistake I Made

Frustrated and disheartened, I made a decision that I now regret.

I stopped writing.

I was less mature than now, caught up in the immediate need to make money, not realising the true value of what I was building.

It was a decision that would haunt me for months to come.

The Emotional Awakening

During my year away from writing, I immersed myself in data science, helping businesses make sense of their data.

It was during this time that I had an emotional awakening.

I understood that the heartbeat of any successful business is trust — the trust of people in your skills, your vision, and your promise.

I thought of my Medium followers and felt a deep sense of loss.

How could I have abandoned those who believed in me?

I had a community that trusted me, and I left them in silence.

The Power of Trust and Perseverance

This realisation was my turning point.

I learned that trust is a precious commodity, hard to earn but easy to lose. If you have people who believe in your words, your journey to success is already half completed.

The initial steps might require sacrifice and resilience, but the destination is worth every step.

Renewing My Commitment

With renewed determination, I returned to Medium in September 2023.

The comeback was tough; my engagement had dropped, a stark reminder of my absence.

But with each article, each word I wrote, I could feel the connection rekindling. My plan was simple but ambitious:

  1. Firstly: Flood Medium with articles that sparkle with insights on data science and AI. Follow me: https://warepam.medium.com/
  2. Secondly: Create and offer digital products, enriching my readers’ experience. Visit my Shop: https://codewarepam.gumroad.com/
  3. Thirdly: Launch a newsletter as a bridge to a lasting relationship with my audience. Subscribe my Newsletter: https://ai-codehub.beehiiv.com/

The Dream

My aim? To be recognized as a beacon of knowledge in data science and AI, not just as a writer, but as a mentor, a guide, and a friend in this digital world.

This is my dream, my brand, my promise.

The Progress I’ve Made (1–2 months)

Since my return, my fingers have danced over the keyboard, producing two articles every week.

My follower count is on the rise. ( 3k+ followers )

I’ve written and sold 9 eBooks so far in total, finding joy in each sale. ( 300+ sales )

And my newsletter, my direct line to my readers, is blooming with nearly 2,000 subscribers.

A Heartfelt Conclusion

I may not know for sure if everyone loves what I write, but I choose to believe in the positive signs.

The numbers are climbing, and my heart tells me I’m on the right path.

I’m a student of life, continuously evolving and eager to share my journey with you all.

I welcome your advice, your wisdom. Together, let’s grow and enrich not just our own lives but those around us.

Let’s spread knowledge and positivity, one article, one connection at a time.

⭐️ My Gumroad Shop: https://codewarepam.gumroad.com/

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Best-selling eBook:

Top 50+ ChatGPT Personas for Custom Instructions

Free eBooks:

  1. Mastering the art of Prompt Engineering
  2. Top 50+ Effective ChatGPT Prompts for Data Scientists
  3. Mastering the perfect AI art Prompts : Top 50+ Prompts
  4. Top 200+ crafted prompts
  5. Domain Mastery for Data Aspirants
Personal Development
Growth Mindset
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