


My name is Imane

My introduction to ILLUMINATION

Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash

Imane means “faith, belief” in Arabic.

My older sister, who was almost three years old at the time, gave me this name (yes, my parents listened to her, and no, she didn’t know what it meant). I was born and raised in Morocco.

But I have never cooked Couscous before

I moved to France two years ago to pursue my higher education in Software Engineering and Air Traffic Management. Currently, I am doing my end of studies internship in AI.


English is supposed to be my third language. I didn’t start learning it properly until the age of 14, but I was able to learn most of what I know on my way at a younger age, simply by watching Disney movies and series, ALL THE TIME! I still don’t consider myself a fluent English speaker nor a good English writer, but I LOVE THIS LANGUAGE.

English has played, and still plays, an important role in my life.

It is thanks to it that I have been able to connect with people from all over the world.

It also made it easier for me to participate, at the early age of 15, in an American exchange program that aims to empower girls’ participation in the field of technology. I met so many inspiring women and made lifetime friends. It was also my first time out of the country, and I didn’t get the chance to travel abroad until I was 22.


“I love figuring things out. I love seeing new people.”


I do not get to travel that much, mainly because I am a broke college student, but man I love traveling! The few backpacking experiences I have had, have always allowed me to make new friends, explore new things and gain more perspectives.


Like everybody else, I love listening to music. I remember how excited I was receiving my first MP3 player. Remember those little devices anybody?

I would spend hours in my bed, just listening to music and jamming to it. But I know almost nothing about music theory. I took it as a course for two semesters. Sadly, I forgot most of it.

I have also started playing the ukulele six months ago, which is so much fun.


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” Pablo Picasso

I love learning new things. For example, me sharing my writing is one of the recent things I am willing to experience!


Speaking of writing, I do not consider myself a writer; I am a typical science major who loves to read other people’s work but limits her writing to two things: scientific documents and journaling.

I have a lot to share, but mostly so much to learn, and I want to experience this through writing and being part of a community of writers.

Currently, I am writing articles that spread positivity and boost energy. I also want to keep on writing and building my knowledge of different topics.

Here is a link to my first story:

Thank you for reading my introduction!


Connect with me on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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