avatarLaura Knapke (Nap-Key)


In March 2022, the author faced challenges with their KDP low-content book publishing, managing multiple writing projects, and stress, but took steps to improve their situation for April.


The author of the article reflects on a challenging March 2022, during which they struggled with stress and productivity, leading to a significant drop in earnings from their KDP low-content books. The author had ambitiously taken on multiple projects, including writing a Kindle Vella, a novel, setting up an author website, and engaging in various marketing activities. This overcommitment resulted in writer's block and low productivity. To address these issues, the author took a short break, organized their tasks, and created a structured plan to manage their workload. They have since made progress on their projects and are hopeful for a better April. Despite the setbacks, the author celebrated success on Medium, earning more than previous months and receiving recognition as a top writer in fiction.


  • The author acknowledges that they overextended themselves with too many projects, which contributed to their stress and decreased productivity.
  • They express dissatisfaction with their March performance, particularly with the low earnings from KDP books and the inability to progress with their Kindle Vella and novel due to stress.
  • The author believes that taking time off and organizing their tasks was effective in reducing stress and improving productivity.
  • They are optimistic about the future, with a solid plan in place and visible progress on their writing projects.
  • The author is proud of their achievements on Medium, including increased earnings and recognition as a top writer in fiction, which has boosted their confidence.

My KDP Journey Update, March 2022

Not my best month

Made by Laura Knapke on Canva

March has not been my best month. I totally dropped the ball. April is here and time for a fresh start.

I had put too much on my plate, and stress had gotten the best of me. I’m making the KDP low-content books for passive income. It started out great when I started it in February 2022. I made $60 my first 2 weeks. If you missed that article, you can catch up by clicking the link below.

My First Month On Amazon KDP A passive income source that is actually profitablemedium.com

For March 2022, I made a whopping $2.14. I only made and published 3 low-content books for March. The reason for this is that I had put way too much on my plate and stressed myself out.

I’m writing a Kindle Vella, a novel (my first) KDP low-content books, setting up an author website, trying to learn how to market my books. Keeping up with social media, writing a newsletter, making a free e-book for the promotional purposes of gaining more of an email list, and trying to keep up with writing on Medium. Plus a million little things that need to be done.

Stress had gotten so bad that I couldn’t write my Kindle Vella, or my novel. I would write, then re-read what I wrote. I’m wondering who was writing this, because it wasn’t my work. I would try to rewrite, ending up scrapping the whole chapter and starting it over.

I could not write it the way I wanted it. Needless to say, I didn’t make much progress with anything. I was stressed and frustrated.

What I did to fix my problem was, first, I took two days off with my husband and didn’t get on my laptop. Needed to de-stress, when I got back to work, I made a to-do list and organized my time to work on all these projects.

Now I have a solid plan to work from. It has been less stressful, allowing me to get some important things done. I have 17 interiors done for the KDP low-content books, now I need to work on book covers. Those will be published this month.

I have been able to work on my Kindle Vella and my novel with no issues. I am hoping next month will be better.

On a good note, I have made more on Medium for March than I have ever made. To top it all off, I received top writer in fiction here on Medium! This is my first, I’m proud of myself, and it gave me a much-needed boost in confidence.

I will post another update in May for April 2022. Please send prayers and good juju! I appreciate all the support I have received here on Medium.

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