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My 3 Golden Rules of Successful Writing

Writing can be as easy as breathing if you follow some simple tricks

You’ve probably read similar headlines by now. If you’re a Medium writer you’re probably trying to improve your writing style.

What’s the difference between this and other articles on the topic? That the tips I’ll give you in this and all future posts about writing on my profile have been tried by me. I wouldn’t give advice on something I’ve never tried on my own because it’s on a widely discussed topic.


Here they are, my 3 golden rules that little by little can make you an expert in writing, if you’re diligent enough, of course.

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Set a goal with a deadline

I confess that nothing motivates me more than a deadline when it comes to work. :) Suddenly inspiration comes, I get mobilized and manage to get everything done without distraction. The less time I have, the better I work. Well, only I know about the amount of stress I’m under, but usually at this point I don’t even have time to stress as I’m too busy concentrating on my work.

By sharing this, I don’t mean to say to drag everything out until the last minute. If you have time, start early, but if you’re a parent like me who has to juggle all the chores, sometimes I don’t have another chance. Working late into the night sometimes isn’t all bad. With no one to bother you and distract you, you can take a sip of your favorite drink and start creating.

When you also have an end goal to chase, it becomes even easier. This can be the number of pages to write, or the number of words, the amount of articles or the number of followers on your profile, as well as the amount of money to earn at the end of the month.

You can use online apps to calculate word counts, as well as software that shows you, at X words per day, how many days it will take you to reach your final goal. This is especially useful when you’re writing a book.

Set smaller and more manageable goals in shorter time frames so you don’t get easily demotivated. Start gradually, and if you’re writing a novel, for example, create a new file for each day that includes the current word count instead of a single file to finish. That way, when you open the folder, you will see many files titled with a date, for example, and it will give you a sense of the amount of work you have done. And what better motivation to write than that? The more you write, the harder it will be to quit. After all, you’ve put in time and effort that you don’t want to throw to the wind.

Make a journal with ideas

This is a really great idea that requires very little effort and resources. All you need is a notebook that you can carry with you everywhere.

It has happened to me very often that I have an idea for a poem or an article that I forget, if I don’t write it down right away. At such times I wish I had a shortcut to write it down. Of course, you can use your phone if it’s more convenient, but for me it’s very different in terms of feeling the idea pass through my hand. We write by hand less and less, which saves time. However, writing by hand has a number of benefits because it stimulates the brain and the learning process. It has a therapeutic effect and helps our subconscious thoughts to come out. To write a story or a poem, it is necessary to spend more time if you do it with a pen in hand. This way you will think more about your idea.

Create a writing routine

Like any habit, writing needs repetition to be perfected. You’re lucky if you can write every day — if you have the right atmosphere and calm to focus. That’s not my case… at least for now. I have a baby and a toddler and I mainly write through my phone. Any time of the day when I can. But my dream is to wake up in the morning and have time to mentally prepare myself for a few hours of focused writing, because that’s what I love to do.

To create a daily writing routine you need to first shut all other thoughts out of your head — turn off your notifications, the internet, put on your favorite music if that’s what you’re predisposed to and sit in your writing nook. It may be small, but have one that you know is designed for this activity.

They say it takes at least 21 days to establish a new habit. I wish I could tell you it does, but I haven’t tried it. For me, my writing habit isn’t daily because of how busy I am with my kids and if I start trying to write every day, I will only feel stressed and will be on the lookout for a time when I can write. And that means I won’t be writing the way I’d like to — which is with ease.

For this reason, I encourage you to consider which option is best for you. There are great apps for keeping track of tasks and habits. You might try HabitNow, in which you set a time to be notified of the habit you should complete. This will certainly help, at least in the beginning until you get used to it.

Final thoughts

I’m sure each of you have your own golden rules that help you write. For me it is essential to write with heart and on topics that you care about (not ones that are buzzy and you only want to make money on). Readers will feel the difference. Soul comes through the lines, even if they are digital.

Are you willing to reveal yourself and what you’ve discovered about yourself that actually helps you write with ease? If you’re willing, share in a comment. I’d love to learn something new and useful!

Photo by Rafaela Biazi on Unsplash

If you interested in writing, you could read some of my other articles on the topic:

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