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The article discusses strategies for authors to captivate their ideal readers and build a loyal audience through authentic writing and engagement.


The article "How to Make the Ideal Reader Fall in Love With Your Writing?" explores the parallels between attracting an ideal partner and captivating an ideal reader. It emphasizes the importance of defining one's niche based on personal interests and expertise, akin to having criteria for a life partner. The author suggests practical steps to find and connect with the target audience, such as sharing articles on social media, seeking out like-minded individuals, and submitting work to relevant publications. The piece underscores the value of authenticity, noting that not every reader will resonate with a writer's work, but the right audience will be drawn to the writer's unique voice and style. The article also cautions against using sensational titles to lure readers, advocating for genuine connections over quick attention. It concludes by encouraging writers to nurture their relationship with readers through consistent engagement and by offering gifts, such as free book copies, in exchange for their support.


  • The author believes that attracting the ideal reader is similar to finding an ideal partner, requiring a clear understanding of one's own criteria and values.
  • It is suggested that writers should not aim to please everyone but focus on finding their "tribe" of kindred spirits who appreciate their authentic voice.
  • The article criticizes the tactic of using bombastic titles to attract readers, implying that such methods are not sustainable for long-term success.
  • The author advocates for the importance of nurturing the relationship with readers by responding to comments, showing appreciation, and providing exclusive content or offers.
  • Authenticity is highlighted as the key to making the ideal reader fall in love with a writer's work, suggesting that copying others' methods is less effective than being true to oneself.
  • The piece encourages writers to take risks and be open to the idea that their ideal readers are out there, waiting to be reached through genuine and heartfelt writing.

How to Make the Ideal Reader Fall in Love With Your Writing?

Is it difficult to achieve?

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You might expect to read some surprising and easy practices to help you attract more readers and thus become a more successful author. Having a magic wand in hand, you might be able to wake up and see more people liking or commenting on your article. And even better if they’ve ordered your book too.

Is that even possible?

Let’s change the title a bit…

How to make your ideal partner fall in love with you?

What about now?

Why am I making this parallel?

Think about it. There is a crowd of people in front of you and somewhere in that crowd is your ideal partner — the one you see in your dreams. Only you don’t know who he or she is because the crowd is big. How will you know that he is your person? Do you try to shout something out loud to see who will answer, or do you start kissing them one by one to decide who is the best kisser?

Photo by Daniel Dvorský on Unsplash

To begin with, you have your own criteria for who you want as a partner and this is linked to your values and dreams. In identifying your ideal reader, things stand in a similar way. Your niche is defined by your interests and expertise. You are guided by it to determine your target audience.

For example: In love: I’m single. I want to start a family with a stable man with whom we can have an above average standard of living. I would like him to be under 30 years of age, without children, with a university degree and a prestigious profession.

In writing: I write on topics as parenting, self-improvement, healthy living, relationships in middle-aged people. My target group includes people until age of 40. They want to be successful in their job and look for a partner for a long-term relationship who pays attention to their inner world.

How to find the ideal reader in the crowd? You have already built in your mind the image of the most suitable reader for you. What’s next? To find him! This can be done in several ways.

- Share your articles on your other social media profiles - Search for users with similar interests to yours - Submit your articles to publications that publish stories similar to yours

Posts can step into the role of matchmakers and help you reach a larger audience. They’re a great way to improve your writing style and get invaluable tips and ideas you can’t think of on your own.

You can find out more about the benefits of writing to publications in the article “5 reasons why I prefer to publish in publications” by Rafayel Hovhannisyan.

Play between writer and reader is a lot like the love game.

In the beginning is the courtship…

You’d hardly want anyone from the crowd touching you. I just cringe at the very thought. It would make me very uncomfortable. Some people push us away without us even knowing them. But others draw us in mysterious ways and we trust them immediately. Maybe it’s the pheromones, maybe it’s some other reason.

So it is with writing. Not every reader is your reader. Not everyone will like what you’ve written. Be prepared for that fact and don’t let it disappoint you. The whole world doesn’t have to like you. Just your people. Seek them out. Your “tribe,” your kindred spirits who feel you as a person through your writing.

Sometimes we see a catchy headline and start reading. But then we get disappointed. We feel cheated — we expected something else and stop reading.

The tactic of some writers to write bombastic titles to attract an audience is not likely to have long-term success. The shiny packaging on the outside doesn’t always hide a quality product. And those of you for whom writing is a calling know you want a loyal following. And I’m not just talking about Medium.

Photo by David Lezcano on Unsplash

One day, the people who read you on the platform will be the first to buy your book. They won’t think about the price because they believe in you. If you approach your readers with respect and care, they will keep reading you. Maybe they won’t like one hundred percent everything of yours, but they won’t stop because of a few weaker articles or stories.

There is only one rule in love that can make the perfect partner fall in love with you, and that is to be yourself — be authentic and don’t copy someone else’s method.

The game of courtship is always different. You may think you’re very good, but you can’t attract the partner you want because you’re too self-confident or clumsy. You can’t force someone to love you…or read you.

When you understand this rule and get used to this thought, you will experience tremendous ease. You are not here to please everyone. Your people in the crowd will notice you — maybe because of a quirky metaphor, or because of your sense of humor. Maybe they’ll find traits of themselves in you. Maybe they’ll wish they could express themselves like you, but they can’t. Whatever the reason, these readers will fall in love with you, and from then on, the dance of their love for your writing will be easy and genuine.

Love needs daily nurturing. Your readers, too.

It is so hard to find after billions of people those who understand you from half a word. Or maybe it’s easy? Regardless of how it works out for you, do your best to cater to your audience. Give them a gift — a free copy of your book if they subscribe to your newsletter. Respond to their comments. Thank them for their kind words. This communication is one of the most meaningful acts of kindness. It makes us human, close and united.

That way, the money you will receive for your work will be well deserved. Because you have given, too. Not just through your labor and talent. You have given a part of your soul; of your time. You have shown a part of yourself to complete strangers only because they have trusted you.

Fall in love with what you do. Write if it truly makes you happy. Do it the way it comes to you from within.

Sometimes risk is a wonderful thing. If we can talk about risk at all in the art of writing. There is no right and wrong.

Your readers are out there somewhere, waiting for you to find them. You, in turn, are waiting for them to find you. To fall in love at first sight and get along by half a word.

I wish it to you from the bottom of my heart! To myself too!

And while the ideal partner is only one and we choose him or her, the ideal readers are many. Give your best. Every single one of them is just a sentence away.

If anyone fell in love with my writing after this article, please let me know. I am, after all, a woman who loves compliments. ;)

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