avatarEduard Nicoara


The article emphasizes the importance of perspective in writing to enhance originality and memorability.


The article discusses the significance of changing perspectives in writing to create more engaging and original content. It suggests that writing from different angles not only captivates readers but also ensures that ideas resonate and remain in their minds. The author advocates for the practice of handwriting drafts to slow down the thought process, allowing for deeper connections between ideas. The article also touches on the impact of technology on human evolution and creativity, suggesting that reliance on AI and search engines may hinder our natural intellectual growth. Drawing inspiration from historical figures like Einstein and his unconventional methods, the author encourages writers to embrace their uniqueness and challenge the status quo to find their purpose in writing. The piece concludes with practical advice for aspiring writers to disconnect from devices, use traditional writing tools, and tap into their creativity without digital distractions.


  • The author believes that the ability to change perspectives is crucial for great writing and originality.
  • Writing by hand is seen as a method to better connect with one's thoughts and improve the writing process.
  • The author is skeptical about the positive impact of technology on human creativity and evolution, suggesting it may slow down our intellectual development.
  • Einstein is cited as an example of someone who radically changed perspectives and challenged established ideas.
  • The article suggests that writers should limit their use of digital devices to enhance their creativity and writing quality.
  • The author values the importance of leaving a lasting impact on readers by making ideas "permanent residents" in their minds.
  • The piece encourages writers to find purpose in their writing by exploring and expressing their unique perspectives.
  • The author promotes their own writing and provides a link for
Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

Perspective Writing Is What Makes You Memorable

This is what has been on my mind all day

If you want to be a great writer you need to learn how to change perspectives. Both yours and others.

This article will give you the most effective strategy to not only energise your writing, but make yourself memorable. It’s also explains the best way to become more orginal.

If that sounds like something helpful, keep reading.

You write what is in your mind when no one listens to what you have to say.

You write as if even your hand doesn’t know what will come next. Because that’s mostly the job of the brain. You know…to have everything sorted out. Your hands on the other hand… well, they ask themselves quietly:

“What will be the next thing I am destined to deliver?”

Your brain works in fantastic ways. It changes thoughts and sparks the fires of ideas by just slightly changing their position, its perspective.

Monetize your writing through your ideas using the power of words

I might have said it as well…You empower your words and ideas by not giving your mind a choice to say no to them. It’s like putting your foot in the door when you go door-to-door selling. Or even trick or treating.

As I sip my coffee hand writing the draft of this article. (Which btw…is a first time for me so feedback would be more than welcome.) I realize why it’s so important that my ideas spring up wings and become permanent residents in other people’s minds.

I don’t consider myself a genius person, no, no, no, on the contrary. I believe we are all stupid in the mind of at least one person. It’s all about perspective, remember?

It feels so calm to form an extension of your memories through writing.

Hot take here. I believe that the more technology catches up with the capabilities of the human brain, the slower we evolve.

You really think Einstein would have still become a world-renowned writer if his thirst for knowledge was satisfied with an AI chat or even Google?

Well yes, of course he would be. His questions and philosophy of life not only change the perspective of some scientists. Those lab nerds ( no offense to lab people, love you all) had the mind and heart to create the atomic bomb.

The fat man from then has been reborn once more. The only difference is his today equivalent is the lazy person.

But going back to one stone man… He had to gain everything and lose everything as well. The one thing that amazes me is how he made sure to piss everyone off. And I mean everyone in his time.

Seriously, that man was a legend. Giving his wife a list of things she had to do…in order to keep being married to him. Brutal if you ask me.

How do you find purpose when talking about nothing while wanting to know everything?

I. Don’t. Know.

Those words just came out of my mind. You don’t want to see my handwriting, it's absolutely horrible. (Remember this is still just the rough translation from paper to online).

But it’s a nice way to limit my speed as sometimes, when I try to write drafts of my article on the computer, my keyboard typing speed far surpasses the capability of my brain to connect those damned ideas.

Also, I might, just might find a new favorite hobby — It’s a secret so I won’t tell you…


Fine. So what you need to do in order to get started is:

You set a timer on your anything device and make sure it stares at you for one whole hour. That means NO touching of devices.

That’s rule number one.

The second rule, that’s more of a requirement than a rule is to grab a piece of white ex-tree, preferably you would have a collection of those pieces of “paper”. I call them ( in my own universe ) creativity-inducing white pills.

The thing you take them with?

That’s step number three. A pen, or just about anything that can leave a mark. Your writing can be blue (da ba dee da ba daa) or it can have fifty shades of grey, it can be whatever you want, but you must see it.

The next thing might get you in trouble with the authorities.

You will use illegal methods that not many, but everyone wants you to shut off… Ready to hear it?

Your brain and your creativity

I feel incredibly stupid thinking of all the incredibly long longer and longest hours I’ve had on TikTok and Instagram.

It’s all about not thinking for yourself. This right now… Writing without a device feels GREAT! It’s no wonder that some of the greatest authors of fairytales, theatre plays, and poetry have lived long before the creation of the internet.

They had no distractions and If you want to become a better writer you should free your mental RAM as well.

And that’s about 30 minutes of writing by hand, which is 30 minutes longer than what my muscles can carry me through.

Have a considerate and lovely day.

And as always…

Thank you for reading!

Make sure to check out this post as well if you want to learn more about my usual writing schedule:

This for me was a more original, authentic part of myself that I left on the internet. I still don’t know if it will resonate with the right people or not so for the ones that learned something from it, the power of perspective and whatnot leave a comment.

Huge inspiration came from this article:

Daniel Cleather was so original and breathtaking in this article that I wanted to emulate this style of writing. That’s it.


If you want to learn more about:

  • Becoming a better writer than you were yesterday,
  • Ways to monetize your knowledge,
  • The best tips and practices as well as trends in the writing online game

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