Moments of Eternity — My Review
I noticed how these poets used a few words to captivate my heart and soul.

When asked to review Moments of Eternity, a collection of poems from some brilliant and talented writers worldwide, I was ecstatic. As I dived in, I noticed how these poets used a few words to captivate my heart and soul. The first poem is The World by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi.
I love how this poetry book begins. These three powerful but simple words grabbed my heart. I am love. You are loved. We are love. I followed every word of every poet.
Gobbling up:
The World by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi.
I am love.
Why the effort?
Our world really needs more love, because Love will always be worth the effort.
Dr. Preeti Singh’s: Friends Are My Treasure Trove
A treasure true, is found in the love of my friends.
My friends are gems, more precious than gold,
Friendship is the most precious and sacred gift next to love, so when you get it, treasure it. Don’t give your friend a reason to want to flee.
Hope by Vidya Sury — Collecting Smiles
Hope is that melodious voice
That sings in the dark,
Hope is the light that leads you out of the darkness.
Warren Brown’s When Special People Come Together
There is a special moment for great things,
When simple little ideas are given wings.
Yes, when positive minds unite nothing can stop change! I enjoy how he tells a story in a soulful poetic way.
The Sky, The Breeze, The Rain — If I Could Be Anything….
Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
The Sky…The Breeze…The Rain….
Can like me they feel,
Enjoyed from the solitude of my mind
This poem took me a little deeper because of my love for the earth and the value of the sky, breeze, and rain to humanity. Not many humans take the time to wonder about Earth’s gift to us. If they can feel, then they will be able to think. Then humanity would be in trouble.
A World Where … By Christopher Grant
In a world where I
Have learned to discard hope,
You have saved me.
Christopher’s power of words went to depths within me I haven’t been in a while, and I am happy. A little bit of hope can save humanity.
Hanging out at Sunset By Carmen Micsa
A haiku
The moon, a feather
heavy with the world’s problems,
I wished I was the moon, then my problems would be as light as a feather, and I could still be beautiful and happy. Carmen’s few words carry a powerful punch.
Sparking Energies by Fatima Imam one of my super positive favorite poets on Medium.
I would extinguish the flames of hate,
Making room for love in every heart.
Isn’t her power of words uplifting, shoving hope and encouragement into hearts, minds, and souls while healing?
Nibbling on:
The Impossible by Leah Lynch
put your doubt aside,
for fear of the impossible
is only in your mind
Damn right, she is! I am no longer nibbling. I am feasting on this powerfully motivating power of words that will nourish and strengthen my body, fears, dreams, heart, mind, and soul. It will do the same, if not more for you.
Gorging on:
CARVING AWAY DEADWOOD by Lisa Precious — Smiley Blue Poetry
Some parts of you have to be carved away,
It is a painful price to pay,
For letting light through the door.
Another inspiring masterpiece from a beautiful, strong positive soul. Yes, in life all of us must fight to remove the pain from our hearts, so that we can heal, opening the door to love’s light.
Wolfing down:
Garima Sharma’s You Are The Light
The universe has a plan for you,
A life full of love, abundance, and breakthroughs.
This heart-touching soulful truth, flowing from a heart of love, will strengthen hearts, souls, and minds, while sharing hope and understanding of life is nourishment for humanity.
Feeding on:
A Piece of Paper by Nancy Olgesby
so much depends
upon a piece of paper.
That piece of paper is our life and what we put in or on it, is what we will get from it. Wisdom is the principal thing.
According to how we live our lives, we are sharing wisdom. — Annelise Lords
Dining on:
Nature Makes My Heart Flower by Sanghita Pal
In nature’s embrace, my heart does flower,
A symphony of colors, a tranquil hour.
Beneath the azure skies, I find my place,
Dining on this piece softens my heart to forgive humanity for their cruelty to Earth while loving Earth more. Nature possesses healing properties that nothing else has. Yes, Sanghita, Nature does flower and heal hearts.
Snacking on:
William Spridone’s Sounds Of Nature Are What We Need
We stand and listen as the spring comes in
with the wind that whips against the warming land.
No other season grabs our attention like spring. The world rejuvenates in Spring ready to share life, beauty, hope, love and so much more. Yes William, ‘we stand and listen as spring comes in.
Chewing on:
Buddhi Ruparathna’s Be Amazed…
Let us be kids again,
of the wholehearted genuine way of life.
Gaze at the sky,
trees and raindrops,
Be amazed at the beauty, and goodness,
As children, innocence and curiosity hold us in a heavenly place where life, love, living, and happiness coexist in unity. Of course, through the eyes of a child, all things are possible. Adulthood improves the journey while teaching us about life and adding wisdom, knowledge, understanding, etc.
I am grateful and amazed!
This poetry book is packed with medicine with no harmful side effects. It’s also a manual of life, living, love, hope, understanding, patience, forgiveness, consideration, etc., and everything humanity needs to heal.
Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you enjoy it and will savor more from some talented writers on this platform, whose links are below.
Feasting on GnanVi_Speaks
Savor more from Anish Bhattacharyya
Enjoying more from Warren Brown