avatarJohn Henry


MGTOW is probably the most sensible ideology of the manosphere

Photo by Alex Hudson on Unsplash

Granted, there are different communities within the manosphere, including men’s rights activists, incels, Men Going Their Own Way, pick-up artists, and fathers’ rights groups.

Yes, I believe that there should be men’s rights just as women’s rights. As far as with the pick up artists, I just think it’s sad that men have to learn how to pick up to begin with, but the world is what it is and I guess sometimes the best thing to do is to learn how to operate in it and find solutions instead of just bemoaning how the world is, but I digress. I also think it’s good to fight for fathers’ rights.

As for incels, well, if it was only a support group for men who have a difficult time engaging with the opposite sex, that probably wouldn’t be so bad. But apparently, many of those who identify as incels are often extremely misogynistic, violent, and talk about harming people, particularly women, due to women’s lack of interest in them. I don’t agree with that stuff at all.

Photo by Pablo Arenas on Unsplash

Which now leads me into why I think men going their own way is one of the best ideologies from the manosphere. Instead of a man imposing himself or his will on women, he can simply focus on bettering himself. Although a lot of men from this ideology may focus on self improvement merely in more materialistic or superficial ways (such as making more money, perhaps working out, etc..), they might do well to invest in therapy and, more importantly, in spiritual growth and in knowing God.

Photo by Marquise Kamanke on Unsplash

All of these things have benefits. For one, obviously, it’s better for the men because self improvement is always a wonderful thing. Now, financial and superficial improvement is all well and good, but when one can really improve their mind and their spiritual understanding, as well as their social and emotional intelligence, courage, strength, resilience, and their ability to grow in wisdom, that’s all good!

Another benefit of the MGTOW way of life is that it’s also good for women. Because with this philosophy, if the men really do what the name says and go their own way, then they won’t be imposing themselves, their wills, etc. on women and if, for whatever reason, they are unpleasant men to be around due to their own issues or whatever, at least they can keep those things at bay from women to a degree.

An additional benefit that this can be for women is that IF the men truly focus on bettering and developing themselves, perhaps it will make them better partners for women (should they ever decide to finally date) so that any relationships they have will be more favorable, not only for themselves, but for the women they get involved with.

Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

I do want to make a note here, however (as I have alluded to before), that I really think that mental, spiritual, and character development are the main things. Many men believe that a lot of women are shallow and superficial and some even talk about hypergamy and the idea that a lot of women are attracted to the top 20% of men and that many women only desire men who are tall, financially well off, good looking, etc. May be.

However, I would like to think that such isn’t the case for a lot of women and that those aren’t the only type of men that have a chance with women. I would also like to think that if a man has himself together mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and works well with what he has (as in, even if he isn’t the tallest, the most handsome, or whatever, that he at least takes care of himself, makes sure his hygiene is on point, has a haircut and facial hair that works for him, dresses well for his body type, even works out sometimes, etc.), that it could go a very, very long way.

In short, I think that the “men going their own way” ideology is good. Not only can it help men realize that there is more to life than just trying to please women and be validated by them, but it can keep them from bothering women if they aren’t the way they need to be (or if they are simply too bitter for women to be around), and, if they use it right, it can help them to become better people, not only for themselves, but perhaps for any women that they do end up in relationships with as well.

Recommended reading for men who want to go MGTOW in the following links:



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Photo by Howie R on Unsplash
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