avatarJessey Anthony


The article discusses men's preferences for certain physical attributes in women, which are often considered complimentary but can sometimes be perceived as cringe-worthy or inappropriate.


The piece delves into the nuances of male compliments directed at women, revealing a spectrum of reactions from flattered to uncomfortable. It highlights specific physical features that men find attractive, such as eyes, cheekbones, legs, scent, nails, neck, lips, eyelashes, and even the forehead, while also touching on the broader implications of these preferences. The author emphasizes the importance of sincerity in compliments and the potential emotional impact they can have. Additionally, the article references studies suggesting that men and women experience emotions equally and that men may fall in love more easily due to physical attraction. The author concludes by encouraging self-love and cautioning against overemphasis on physical traits for attractiveness, suggesting that true love transcends such criteria.


  • Compliments that don't seem sincere can negatively affect self-esteem.
  • Men and women are equally emotional, challenging the stereotype of women being more emotional.
  • Men may fall in love more easily than women, driven by physical attraction.
  • Certain physical features, such as eyes, cheekbones, legs, and lips, are commonly admired by men.
  • The scent of a woman can be particularly alluring to men, as noted by actor Joe Manganiello.
  • The neck is considered a vulnerable and erogenous zone for women, making it a point of attraction for men.
  • Fuller lips are seen as highly desirable, as evidenced by the popularity of lip enhancements.
  • Eyelashes are gaining attention as an attractive feature, with both men and women taking interest in enhancing them.
  • The female genitalia, referred to as "ladybits," can be a source of attraction and appreciation for men.
  • A woman's forehead can be an unexpected feature of beauty, as seen in the case of Rihanna.
  • The pursuit of approval based on physical attributes can lead to heartache, and self-love is advocated as the best approach to attract genuine love.
  • Men are advised to be cautious with their compliments, as focusing on specific body parts can be off-putting, especially early in a relationship.

Men Reveal Secrets They Love about Women but Are Actually Cringe Worthy

Have you ever received a compliment that made you uncomfortable? Yeah, me too.

Image by TréVoy Kelly from Pixabay

I was on a date with a Chicago sailor who said something that left me numb. We were talking, and then he kissed me, paused and said, “I like how your afro makes your face smaller. It’s cute!” Excuse me — what?

I thought it was weird.

All through that day, I kept imagining how small my face must have been. Was my nose small or were my eyes hidden he couldn’t see my facial features well?

How big was my hair?

I was embarrassed but we laughed over it. Compliments can lower your self-esteem if they do not sound like they came from a sincere place. It makes you feel seen and acknowledged. Compliments are emotionally rewarding for both men and women. It also leaves a long impact on the receiver and the giver.

However, when someone says they are turned on by a particular feature on your body, that can be attractive or unappealing. Like when a former coworker said I looked cute like his best friend who killed herself months ago. After I took great courage to admit I had a thing for him.

Was that a compliment?

Not for me.

I expressed my sympathy for his lost friend and changed the subject. He killed the vibe and we never spoke again after that date. A few months later, he approached me and asked why I suddenly ghosted him.

I told him the truth that I didn’t like his remark about me being a walking reminder of his dead friend. So if I were to date him, every time he sees me, his mind would flash back to the good and bad memories of the dead girl. And possibly compare whatever I do with the way she did things.

No, thank you.

Women get easily emotional. We overthink everything. When you compliment us — even if it makes no sense — we read a thousand meanings into it. However, it’s not just women that are easily emotional. Men are just as emotional as women.

A new study found men that have the same ups and downs, highs and lows as women do. The long-standing history of women’s hysterical nature linked to our ovarian hormone was nullified in recent case studies conducted on men. The study revealed that men expressed the same emotions as women did, whether the women were menstruating or not.

Another study revealed that men fall in love more easily than women because they are attracted by physical appearance. You may also argue that men falling in love and confessing that love has something to do with them marking their territory.

The gender role of men being hunters stimulates their desire to be in a relationship when they are in love. And since women are more conscious about the man they fall in love with, and they should given that they have more to lose reproductive-wise if they fall for the wrong guy.

It makes sense why women take their time scrutinising their potential mates. But where most women get lost is knowing what makes a man attracted to them. Because, technically you have to get a man to notice you before you can determine if he’s the right man for you.

So what are those things a man sees in a woman that makes him fall head over heels in love with her?

They are charmed by your retinas

“You have sparkles in your eyes”

Have you ever heard a man say your eyes are sexy? Well, he wasn’t talking about the way you blink. And it certainly wasn’t the size of your eyeballs. The color of your retinas can make a man go gaga.

Another woman said a guy she once dated said she had monster eyes. The woman has blue eyes, but whatever he meant gives me the creep. Yet, now we know they’ve got a thing for retina.

They can’t resist a sculpted cheekbone

“You are cuter than a baby.”

I’m not sure how I would react if my boyfriend squeezed my face and whispered “You’re cuter than a baby” in my neck before kissing my cheek. I like looking my age. If you are comparing me to a baby that means I’m not aging at all which isn’t a compliment I want to hear.

But my bestie must be used to it by now. Her husband gushes over her cheekbones. They’ve been together for nine years now and still, he would compliment her cheeks whenever she smiled. If you’ve got a cheek like Naomi Campbell or Angelina Jolie, congratulations. Because guys are tripin’ for that cheek.

Do you have long legs? Check!

“ Wow, you’re as tall as a glass of milk.”

I’m 5’7. My legs are 36 inches and a bit fat. But I envy chics with long slim legs because they are the center of attraction whenever I see a group of guys chatting about girls. These girls do nothing to get men to notice them.

I used to be friends with one tall model, EvaSantiago. She’s mixed race — Latino and Irish. When she flaunts her legs in mini skirts, I become invisible beside her because she gets all the compliments from both guys and girls. Although she admits it’s tiring having people drool over her legs, she sure likes the attention.

They fall for your scent

“You smell very sweet and spicy. It’s very nice!”

Joe Manganiello is one of Hollywood’s hottest eligible bachelors and he knows what he’s looking for in a woman. So when he gives relationship tips, we listen. The True Blood star says he gets turned on by a woman’s smell.

“I’m big into smell,” he says. “It’s funny I got cast as a werewolf. There’s something about the smell on that part of a woman’s neck where it meets the jaw, ahhhh! It’s heaven.”

Yes ladies, your colon literally turns a man on to the point you are all he thinks of.

They like clean and long nails

“You have really nice fingers.”

One time a guy took me to the cinema on our second date. I was a freshman then. When he held my hands he didn’t let it go. I thought he was just being romantic holding my hands so tight.

After the movie, he took me home. As he was kissing me goodnight, he still wouldn’t leave my hands. That’s when it got weird. I found out the guy was obsessed with fingers, from the cuticles down to the length of the nails.

Weird much? Yeah!

Girls, your neck can work magic

“Your neck looks so good. Looks like the ones I’ve seen on slasher films.”

If you don’t already know it, men love kissing women’s necks. When men on Reddit were asked why they love women’s necks so much, one user who goes by the name u/showmethebiggirls said, “Necks are sexy, they are very sensitive, and kissing them usually makes her basement flood.”

Another commenter on Girls Ask Guys by the name, u/theharlequin, couldn’t be more explicit in his response. He said, “I like kissing most anywhere on a girl, but her neck is a psychologically gratifying place because it’s arguably her most vulnerable spot, as well as one of her most erogenous spots. Considering it’s also within easy reach of her mouth and breasts, it’s just a really nice place to play.”

So there you have it ladies. Some of us cover up our necks when we should be flaunting them. Now we know how much power that holds on men.

Your lips definitely checked the box

“Your lips look like they’d be good at sucking d*ck.”

Full lips get heads turning. If not, why would Kylie Jenner pay $3000 for a lip filler? Don’t tell me you think she got under the knife out of self-love.

The beauty queen knows all too well that men are drawn to fuller lips that’s why she got hers. And guess what? Her lip transformation helped her sell her beauty products. In 2019, Jenner’s beauty line, Kylie Cosmetics, was estimated at $600 million when she sold it.

Aside from Jenner, Angelina Jolie’s lips topped the chart when men were asked to rate the most desirable facial feature. In fact, experts agree that fuller lips are more attractive than fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair.

“I think full lips do look good. I mean, every guy’s dream girl is Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson, right? I’m not surprised girls are wanting that look too,” according to reports at Dailymail. Let’s not forget BJ lips was invented for the same reason men crush on sexy lips.

Who knew eyelashes are remarkably adorable?

“You have a big eyelash. I am jealous!”

As someone who doesn’t have thick eyelashes, I’m jealous of those who do. And if you are familiar with the new trend “manscara,” you should know men have joined women in the massacre and eyeliner rush.

Men are beefing up their beauty profiles. They wear mascara to open up their eyes and accentuate their lash line. So you shouldn’t be surprised men take notice of your natural eyelashes. If you have thick, long and black lashes, you can win many men’s hearts with that.

They like your ladybits

“Your pu**y looks like a flower.” — Hank, 38

While some girls complain their men are disgusted by their pu**sies. Others are thrilled by the attention they get because of their ladybits. I’ve heard some guys say they can’t resist the smell of wet pu**y.

One of my girlfriends told me her boyfriend would smell his hands for hours after fingering her. He likes how they smell after a workout when she’s wet and tight. So if your man isn’t appreciating your private part as he should, then someone who will is still out there.

Your forehead got him dripping

“You look like a beautiful painting!”

Some women fuzz about their big forehead but that’s what most men like about Rihanna. Ask Kelvin Gate, he will tell you he could kiss Riri’s forehead all day and not get tired.

The first time I saw Rihanna was in her song “If It’s Lovin’ That You Want,” video and I immediately fell in love with her beauty. To date, the song remains my favorite of all songs. Her forehead makes her unbelievably attractive. Maybe is that innocent look it gives her.

Knowing you are beautiful as you are is the best love potion

Let’s not get carried away by what men like and what they don’t like about women. For a long time, I have lived in that bubble. Seeking approval on how I look and the way I present myself brings me nothing but heartache.

However, the human brain is always seeking recognition and approval and it feels good to receive compliments once in a while.

But even if you don’t meet any of these criteria, you do have sexy body parts that men fall for. We are all special in different ways so don’t be disheartened by my analysis.

You should love every bit of you because that’s what makes you unique.

And keep in mind that when a man loves his woman, everything she does is sexy and attractive. His thoughts are filled with the things you say and what you do. His heart skips just at the mention of your name. Because true love isn’t about physical beauty.

For the guys, try not to compliment any specific part of a woman’s body. Some of us find it cringe and creepy. If you must tell her how you feel about that part of her body, do so months later — when you’re in a relationship with her, but never on the first, second or third date.

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