avatarJosie ElBiry


Meet Josie ElBiry

Josie is over the moon to write for Illumination!

photo taken by author

My train-wreck teens did not bode well for a promising future. My dad was exhausted. He’d tried everything from grounding to money to psychotherapy, and I had responded with all the sensitivity and intellect of a runaway mining cart. One day, in a rare moment of equilibrium and quiet, he said:

“I think you may have flair as a writer.”

It was a pin-prick of light. I quickly drowned it in self-loathing for the next twenty years.

But I never forgot those words.

My father had called God and ACME to find a cure for my woes, but it was this one simple observation that drove the light within me to shake off the dark.




Creative Nonfiction

Mental Health

Social Justice

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