avatarEthan Ginsberg


The website content discusses the evolution of affiliate marketing, emphasizing the importance of quality content and introducing IDplr.com as a resource for marketers seeking private label eBooks and potential writing opportunities.


The author reflects on their journey with affiliate marketing from its nascent stages in 2005 to the present, noting the increased difficulty due to heightened competition and sophisticated search engine algorithms that prioritize authoritative content. The article underscores the necessity for marketers to produce original, high-quality content, as search engines penalize AI-generated material. It introduces IDplr.com as a valuable platform offering a vast array of digital products, including private label eBooks that can be customized for marketing purposes. Additionally, the site is highlighted for advertising freelance writing positions that could serve as a lucrative side hustle for writers, with the potential to earn between 250-500 per eBook. The author invites readers to share their experiences if they apply for these writing roles and expresses interest in trying it out.


  • The author believes that affiliate marketing has become more challenging due to increased competition and advanced search engine filtering.
  • There is a strong opinion that quality, relevant content is crucial for gaining authority and improving search rankings.
  • The author expresses that AI-generated content is being heavily scrutinized and downgraded by search engines.
  • IDplr.com is highly recommended as a comprehensive resource for marketers and business owners looking for digital marketing content.
  • The freelance writing opportunities advertised by IDplr.com are viewed as a promising way for writers to earn money and gain experience in the field.
  • The author is keen to hear from readers who take up the writing opportunities and may consider participating themselves.

Make Money Writing eBooks or Pay for SEO Optimized Marketing Content!

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

For any of you that have followed my articles for awhile, you probably know that I have been mildly obsessed with growing my affiliate marketing business.

I started affiliate marketing back in 2005 when basically no one knew what it was. To be honest, I feel like a good amount of people still don’t know what affiliate marketing is but odds are if you’re reading this article, you’re in the know.

When I started years ago, I had created a gaming website for my friends at school that was not blocked by the school’s internet. It was a totally innocent website, we legitimately just wanted to be able to play arcade games online without being blocked.

It was really simple, I used a proxy server on the backend to make the website just look like an educational blog.

Anyway, I wanted to make some money from the website so I set out to find affiliate programs that I could promote on the site along with Google Adsense ads. After all was said and done, it the site was easy to create, I found ways to place the ads and affiliate links that didn’t stick out, and I ended up making a few hundred dollars from the site.

Sadly, I didn’t stick with it because I’m sure if had I kept it up even just in the background it would have made a ridiculous ton of money for very little effort after 18 years.

But that’s life.

Flash forward to today, affiliate marketing is MUCH HARDER than it used to be. It’s definitely not impossible, there are a ton of people making insane money from it and plenty more making a decent living but there’s a lot more competition and the search engines have gotten better about filtering out low content sites dedicated to affiliate marketing links.


Content is the key word there. Search engines and social media platform’s algorithms are designed to rank search results based on authority. The best way to gain authority is to have a lot of relevant content.

This content also can’t be AI generated content. Search engines are REALLY cracking down on AI generated content and drastically lowering their authority ratings.

So the qestion is, where can you get quality content affordably these days without adding the burden to your martketing team, or hiring a copywriter?

No this is not a commercial for JasperAI

Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

I recently came across the platform IDplr.com. IDPLR (which stands for “Internet Marketing Private Label Rights”), is seriously the mother of all marketing websites. It offers a massive collection of digital products and content for marketers and business.

I started using it a few weeks ago for its private label eBooks. I needed an eBook related to a ClickBank product I was promoting and they already had it available for download and I was able to customize it for my marketing platform.

On a related note — as I was writing this article, I noticed on IDplr’s website they’re currently advertising freelance positions for writers. I haven’t dug into myself but it says they’re paying $250-$500 so that could be a pretty neat side hustle for those looking to write eBooks for some spare cash.

Please let me know if you end up applying to be an eBook writer for them! I’d love to hear about it and maybe try it out myself.

As always, thank you for reading and please share those claps👏 and subscribe for more :)

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