avatarOskar Tokarski


Make Every Day your Sunday

How to wake up at 5 A.M. with a smile on your face

Photo by Peter Secan on Unsplash

There is no instruction on how to wake up at 5 A.M. everyday. Whatever people are telling you, they lie. But no instructions are needed if there is one simple rule, which makes it possible. You need to enjoy every moment of your incoming day. Because if your life is fun for you, everything is easier.

You need ‘Fun Factor’ in every activity of your life. To enjoy your day, your life should be your hobby, not work. Work is boring. The key is to make your every day a Sunday.

I was looking for perfect solutions for some time. I followed all these rules (check them online if you want, but there are so many of them that you’ll probably get lost) and still, I hated mornings. I literally cried every time by alarm woked me up. Yeah, consider me a responsible adult. Back then I was a lost kid, happily past is the past.

One year ago I discovered writers — James Clear, Matthiew Walker, Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Daniel Kahneman. These gentlemen taught me how to build a system of tiny habits to create a process of healthy, productive, and FUN life.

Now I have my habits, and morning routine. Also evening routine, and daily checklists, todos, but it doesn’t make it easier for me to start my day at 5. Fun does. Without fun in it, I would sleep till noon. My alarm makes me smile and I often think ‘Finally! The night’s over!’. Then I hear the automatization I added in Shortcuts iOS 14

‘Hello Oscar! Today is (date), 7:20. Temperature outside is (…) and the weather is (eg. sunny). Remember to eat breakfast. Have a nice day!’

And so my day begins, I light the candles and follow my checklist automatically listening to some morning chill radio on Spotify always with a smile. And that’s because I enjoy every moment of my life. It cost me a lot of time, but it’s perfect now.

What do you need to do?

I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t know. I don’t know you, the only thing I know about you is you’re pretty awesome for reading this. However, I can show you how I found my way.

  1. Open your note app — try Bear, it’s awesome — and type a few things that you really enjoy during the morning. For me, it was: morning cup of yerba mate, fresh cold air coming from my window, feeling when I’m looking at my clean relaxing space, caramel frappuccino from Starbucks, journaling, music vibes. Okay, so these are some ‘must be’.
  2. Create music playlists for all day. You know what you love to hear. But don’t make one playlist, create a few. I created 6 on Apple Music: morning chill, noon chill, afternoon chill, evening chill, workout crazy motivation, study time. It is great to hear something slower and more gentle in the morning, something rhythmic and fast during the day, slow and nice in the evening and crazy rap power screaming motivation while doing workouts. If you use Home Pod configure Siri so you can ask ‘Siri play my evening music’ and start to chill. Preferably with lights going a little warmer and darker.
  3. Do your hour by hour todo list the day before. Simple. Write down all tasks you need to do the next day and mix them with your ‘must be’ list of things that bring you joy and mix them with music. Slowly, but the process already looks nicer, doesn’t it?
  4. Now, time for procrastination. In creating a list of productive procrastination habits, this story might help you:

5. To follow my 1-hour focus period fill the “brake times” with your productive procrastination, remember to fill with only these activities that you really enjoy! If you recently discovered Procreate, and want to learn how to draw, do it. If you always wanted to clean that place between the fridge and the wall, go for it.

Productive procrastination is doing something different than your task, but something that will benefit you in some way. So after the drawing course, you can add it to your abilities on UpWork! and catch some job offers, make money, which is profit. Cleaning will make you happy and it’s healthier to live in a clean space. Profit!

No more secrets. Here is how your every day Sunday (and mine) is looking. Let me know if you’re interested in having a weekend every day. I can tell for myself, it f… rocks!

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