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Lazy Initialization Design Pattern and Java Implementation

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

A design pattern called lazy initialization delays creating an object or calculating a value until first needed. In Java, lazy initialization allows the creation of expensive resources only when first accessed.

Memory optimization is a critical aspect that can significantly influence the performance of applications. So, using lazy evaluation results in improved performance and reduced memory footprint. We will go over this pattern and show code examples for implementation in this article.

In programming, initializing refers to allocating memory and resources to an object when creating it. With eager initialization, a created object initializes immediately. It does not consider whether the object is actually necessary or not. In contrast, lazy initialization delays creating the object until first accessing it.

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Lazy Initialization: A Memory Optimization Technique

Lazy initialization design pattern delays creating an object, calculating a value, or some other expensive process until first needed. This can significantly optimize memory usage, especially in scenarios with large objects or complex setup processes.

How Lazy Initialization Works

In lazy initialization, the object isn’t created until it’s actually required. This approach can save memory if the program never needs the object or only needs it after significant time passes, thereby reducing memory usage during the program’s initial phases.


public class ExpensiveObject {
    private HeavyResource resource;
    public HeavyResource getResource() {
        if (resource == null) {
            resource = new HeavyResource(); // Object created only when needed
        return resource;

In the above example, calling the getResource method for the first time creates the HeavyResource object.

The Need for Lazy Initialization

Imagine a scenario where an application has a multitude of objects, each with its own set of dependencies and resource requirements. Eager initialization in such cases could lead to unnecessary resource consumption and decreased application startup times. Lazy initialization postpones instantiating objects until explicitly required during the program’s execution, coming to the rescue.

Lazy initialization is useful when:

  • The object is very expensive to create
  • The program may not need the object at all
  • Creating the object before needing it wastes memory and impacts performance

Benefits of Lazy Initialization

  1. Reduced Initial Memory Usage: Creating objects consumes memory. Lazy initialization ensures unnecessary objects do not instantiate, thereby minimizing memory footprint and improving application efficiency. Delaying object creation prevents consuming memory until necessary.
  2. Improved Application Startup Time: When an application launches, it typically initializes various objects, which can lead to slower startup times. Lazy initialization delays this process until actually requiring the objects, resulting in faster startup experiences. Applications can start faster since creating fewer objects during initialization.
  3. Efficient Resource Management: Creating objects only when needed prevents pre-allocating resources, allowing more efficient resource management and better utilization of system resources. Thanks to that resources are used only when required, which is particularly beneficial in resource-constrained environments.

How Lazy Initialization Works

Implementing lazy initialization typically uses design patterns or specific language features. In Java, one common method involves the utilization of the volatile keyword and the double-checked locking idiom. Let's take a look practical example to illustrate this concept.

Consider the following Java class:

public class LazyInitializedObject {
    private static volatile LazyInitializedObject instance;
    private LazyInitializedObject() {
        // Private constructor to prevent instantiation
    public static LazyInitializedObject getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            synchronized (LazyInitializedObject.class) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new LazyInitializedObject();
        return instance;

In this example, the getInstance method checks whether the instance variable is null. If it is, the method enters a synchronized block to ensure that only one thread can create the instance at a time. The double-checking ensures that once the instance is created, subsequent calls to getInstance do not enter the synchronized block, improving performance.

Implementation Methods:

There are several ways to implement lazy initialization in Java:

1. Static Initialization Block:

This approach involves initializing the object within a static block. This block is executed only once when the class is loaded, ensuring the object is created only when the class is first used.

public class MyClass {
    private static MyObject instance;

    static {
        instance = new MyObject();
    public static MyObject getInstance() {
        return instance;

2. Double-Checked Locking:

This technique uses synchronized blocks to ensure thread-safe access to the object initialization. It employs a volatile variable to guarantee the visibility of the initialized object across threads.

public class MyClass {
    private volatile MyObject instance;

    public MyObject getInstance() {
        MyObject localInstance = instance;
        if (localInstance == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new MyObject();
        return instance;

The first check avoids synchronization when the object already exists. The synchronized block allows thread-safe checking if the object was created by another thread between the first check and entering the block. The second check inside the synchronized block creates the object only if it is still null.

This avoids both unnecessary creation and synchronization. However, code complexity is a downside.

3. Holder Class:

This method uses a nested static class that holds the actual object. This inner class is only initialized when the object is accessed, ensuring lazy creation.

public class ExpensiveObject {
    private static class ExpensiveObjectHolder {
      public static final ExpensiveObject INSTANCE = new ExpensiveObject();

    public static ExpensiveObject getInstance() {
      return ExpensiveObjectHolder.INSTANCE;  

The inner static class is not initialized until getInstance() is invoked for the first time. The JVM guarantees thread-safety of static initialization, eliminating synchronization needs.

However, exception handling and testing functionality can become more difficult.

4. Supplier Interface:

Java 8’s Supplier interface provides a functional approach to lazy initialization. This interface allows you to define a supplier function that creates the object only when requested.

public class MyClass {
    private final Supplier<MyObject> supplier = () -> new MyObject();  
    public MyObject getInstance() {
        return supplier.get();

Real-World Scenarios

Cache Implementation

In a caching mechanism, lazy initialization can be used to load data into the cache only when it is first accessed.

Singleton Design Pattern

The singleton pattern often uses lazy initialization to create the single instance only when it’s needed.

Database Connections

In applications dealing with databases, establishing a connection can be resource-intensive. Lazy initialization allows the application to create a database connection only when it’s actually needed, optimizing resource utilization.

Configuration Loading

Lazy initialization is often employed when loading configuration settings. Instead of loading the entire configuration at startup, only the required portions are loaded when the corresponding features are invoked.

Heavy Computation

Objects involving heavy computations or resource-intensive operations can benefit from lazy initialization. This ensures that the computational cost is incurred only when the specific functionality is invoked.

Best Practices and Pitfalls to Avoid

Best Practices

  • Use lazy initialization judiciously: Only apply lazy initialization to objects that are expensive to create or rarely used. Because there is a small performance overhead associated with lazy initialization, as the object needs to be checked for initialization every time it is accessed.
  • Consider thread safety: If your application is multithreaded, ensure your lazy initialization method is thread-safe to avoid race conditions. Since multiple threads are accessing the object concurrently, there is a risk of race conditions and other concurrency issues. You will need to take care to properly synchronize access to the object to avoid these issues.

The double-checked locking idiom used in the example provides a measure of thread safety, but it’s essential to be aware of the intricacies involved. Alternatively, using the Bill Pugh Singleton Implementation or other thread-safe mechanisms is advisable.

  • Document your code: Clearly document your code to explain the purpose and implementation of lazy initialization, improving code maintainability. Lazy initialization can add an extra level of complexity to your code. Hence you need to explain your code with good documentation.

Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Excessive use: Overusing lazy initialization can lead to unnecessary complexity and performance overhead.
  • Memory leaks: Ensure proper object cleanup when using lazy initialization to prevent memory leaks.
  • Hidden dependencies: Be aware of hidden dependencies that might trigger object creation unintentionally.


Autoboxing and lazy initialization are powerful tools in a Java developer’s arsenal for optimizing memory usage. While autoboxing offers coding convenience, it should be used judiciously to avoid unnecessary object creation. Lazy initialization, on the other hand, can significantly reduce memory footprint by delaying object creation until necessary. By understanding and applying these concepts appropriately, developers can build efficient and performance-optimized Java applications.

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Lazy Initialization
Design Patterns
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