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The provided content discusses the concept of raw types in Java generics, explaining their characteristics, limitations, and the importance of avoiding them for type safety and code maintainability.


Java generics were introduced to enhance type safety and code reusability, but raw types—the non-generic versions of generic types—can still be found in legacy code or where generics are not practical. Raw types bypass type safety, leading to potential runtime errors and requiring explicit type casting. The article illustrates the use of raw types with examples, demonstrates their limitations, such as the lack of compile-time type checking, and advises migrating to generics to improve code readability and maintainability. It emphasizes that while raw types exist for backward compatibility, their use is discouraged in modern Java programming.


  • The author suggests that raw types should be avoided in favor of generics to ensure type safety and prevent runtime errors.
  • The article conveys that the use of raw types can lead to reduced code readability and increased verbosity due to the need for explicit type casting.
  • It is implied that developers should be cautious when dealing with raw types, as they can introduce maintenance challenges and a higher risk of errors.
  • The author advocates for the adoption of generics over raw types to leverage the benefits of improved code quality and self-explanatory code.
  • The article encourages developers to migrate from raw types to generics to align with best practices in Java programming.

Java Raw Types in Generics

Photo by Gianluca Cinnante on Unsplash

In the world of Java programming, one concept that often sparks confusion and debate is the use of raw types in generics. Generics were introduced in Java 5 to provide type safety and enable developers to write more reusable and robust code. However, raw types can still be encountered in legacy codebases or in certain situations where generics may not be applicable or practical. In this article, I will try to explain raw types, exploring their characteristics, limitations. So, let’s dive in and unravel the mysteries of Java raw types in generics.

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Before we start looking at raw types, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of generics in Java. Generics allow us to define classes, interfaces, and methods that can work with different types, ensuring type safety at compile time. By using generics, we can specify the expected type(s) when defining and using classes, enabling the compiler to enforce type correctness and provide better error detection.

Generics bring several advantages to Java programming. They promote code reusability by enabling the creation of generic classes and methods that can work with multiple types. They enhance code readability by providing type information at the declaration site, reducing the need for explicit type casting. Additionally, generics offer compile-time type checking, helping to catch type-related errors early in the development process.

Understanding Raw Types

Raw types, as the name suggests, are the “raw” or unparameterized versions of generic types. They are used when the type parameters of a generic class or method are not specified. In other words, raw types are generic types without type arguments.

Raw types have certain characteristics that set them apart from generics. Firstly, they allow mixing different types without any compile-time type checking, effectively bypassing the type safety provided by generics. This lack of type safety can lead to runtime errors and unexpected behavior if not handled carefully. Secondly, raw types do not benefit from automatic type inference, requiring explicit type casting when accessing elements or invoking methods.

Let’s consider a simple example to illustrate raw types. Suppose we have a generic class Box<T> that represents a box containing an item of type T. Here's how the class is defined:

public class Box<T> {
    private T item;
    public Box(T item) {
        this.item = item;
    public T getItem() {
        return item;
    public void setItem(T item) {
        this.item = item;

Now, let’s see how we can use this class with and without specifying type arguments:

Box<String> stringBox = new Box<>("Hello");
Box rawBox = new Box("Raw"); // Using raw type

String str = stringBox.getItem();
String rawStr = (String) rawBox.getItem(); // Explicit type casting required

In the example above, we create two instances of the Box class—one with the type argument String and another without specifying any type argument (raw type). While the stringBox instance benefits from type safety and automatic type inference, the rawBox instance loses those advantages. We have to explicitly cast the raw type to the desired type when retrieving the item.

Limitations of Raw Types

  • While raw types provide flexibility and backward compatibility with pre-generics code, they come with several limitations and drawbacks. One of the major drawbacks is the lack of type safety. When using raw types, the compiler cannot perform type checks, leading to potential runtime errors if incompatible types are mixed or if type assumptions are violated.

Consider the following scenario:

Box<Integer> integerBox = new Box<>(42);
Box rawBox = integerBox; // Assigning generic type to raw type

String rawStr = (String) rawBox.getItem(); // Runtime ClassCastException

In this example, we have an instance of Box<Integer> assigned to a raw Box type. Since the raw type does not enforce type constraints, we can mistakenly assign a raw Box to a variable expecting a different type, such as String. At runtime, this will result in a ClassCastException when we try to cast the item to String.

  • Another limitation of raw types is the loss of compile-time type checking and type inference. When using raw types, the compiler treats the code as if it were pre-generics, leading to a higher chance of type-related errors slipping through the development process. Additionally, developers must explicitly cast the raw type to the desired type when retrieving items or invoking methods, introducing clutter and reducing code readability.
List rawList = new ArrayList(); // Raw type


String str = (String) rawList.get(0); // Runs with no Error
String str = (String) rawList.get(1); // ClassCastException at runtime

In this example, we create a raw ArrayList and add both String and Integer objects to it. At runtime, when we try to retrieve the first element as a String, there is no error. Because the type is correct. But when we try to retrieve the second element, ClassCastException occurs because the element is actually an Integer. This happens during runtime.

Impact on Code Readability and Maintainability

Raw types can have a significant impact on code readability and maintainability. Due to the lack of type information and the need for explicit type casting, code using raw types can become less intuitive and more error-prone. Here are some specific challenges that arise when working with raw types:

  1. Reduced readability: Raw types lack type information, making it difficult to understand the intended types and operations. Developers have to rely on explicit type casting and manual documentation to convey the expected types.
  2. Increased verbosity: When using raw types, explicit type casting is often required when retrieving elements or invoking methods. This adds clutter to the code, making it more verbose and harder to comprehend.
  3. Higher risk of errors: Without the compile-time checks provided by generics, raw types introduce the risk of type-related errors. Developers must be cautious and ensure that type assumptions are accurate to prevent runtime errors.
  4. Maintenance challenges: Raw types can make code maintenance more challenging. Understanding the intent of the code and making modifications becomes harder, especially for developers who are not familiar with the codebase.

To mitigate these challenges, it is advisable to migrate from raw types to generics whenever possible. Generics provide type safety, improved code readability, and better maintainability. By leveraging the type information provided by generics, developers can write more expressive and self-explanatory code.

In this article, we have explored the world of Java raw types in generics. We started by understanding the basics of generics and their advantages in Java programming. I then dive into raw types, examining their characteristics, limitations, and impact on code. Final words, after many explanations and examples, the entire idea that I am trying to explain is do not use Java raw generics while coding with Java. It is there because of backward compatibility.

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