avatarAllan Ishac


Kate Middleton has denied doctoring a family photo beyond minor edits to conceal her children's physical anomalies, a practice she defends as protective and in line with historical royal photo alterations.


Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, has addressed public scrutiny following the Associated Press's rejection of a family photo due to perceived alterations. She admitted to making slight changes to her children's features, such as Prince George's ears and Prince Louis' tongue, to protect them from public commentary. Middleton's actions are framed within a historical context of royal photo editing, citing examples like King Charles' twelve toes and Queen Camilla's shoulder growth being edited out of official images. The Princess also humorously mentioned undergoing surgery to remove an "extraterrestrial" that would awkwardly appear during royal duties, referencing her own past health issues. The article provides links to past popular posts and directs readers to more of the author's work.


  • The author suggests that Kate Middleton's photo edits are a form of protection for her children from public scrutiny.
  • There is an implication that the practice of altering royal images has a long-standing tradition, with the article citing historical examples.
  • The mention of an "extraterrestrial" in relation to Princess Kate's surgery is likely used for comedic effect rather than a serious statement.
  • The article seems to criticize the intense public scrutiny faced by the royal family, particularly regarding their physical appearances.
  • By providing links to past articles, the author may be expressing a view that these issues are part of a broader pattern of media coverage and public interest in the royal family.

Another Royal Mess

Kate Middleton Denies Family Photo Was Doctored: ‘Sadly, Our Charlotte Was Born With Two Left Hands’

‘… but like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing out my children’s birth defects’

Generations of royal inbreeding can really cause problems. (Image Credit: https://www.cbc.ca)

Kate Middleton reacted strongly to the AP’s rejection of a family photo taken on UK Mother’s Day, claiming she only manipulated the image “to protect my children.”

Her social media post did include an admission that at times she made “…slight changes to Prince George’s grossly oversized ears and Prince Louis’ bizarrely lopsided tongue.”

Kensington Palace was adamant that alterations in royal photos has a long historical precedence with King Charles’ twelve toes on one foot and Queen Camilla’s crown-shaped growth on her shoulder often excised from official photographs.

Princess Kate, who hasn’t been seen since a long hospital stay in January, wrote in her online post that the reason for the elective surgery on her abdomen was to “remove the extraterrestrial who often and awkwardly pops out of my stomach at photo opps during the course of performing my royal duties.”


Click here or here for two popular past posts.

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