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King Charles III was taken to the hospital due to an extreme case of bad karma shortly after his coronation in 2022, following a lengthy wait of 75 years.


King Charles III experienced a severe bout of bad luck, leading to his hospitalization. Doctors at King Edward Hospital have described his condition as one of the worst cases of bad karma they've seen. The King, who ascended the throne in September 2022 after patiently waiting for seven decades during Queen Elizabeth's reign, is now subject to unconventional treatments such as sage-burning and Druid healing chants. Queen Camilla is also contributing to the recovery efforts by preparing a special newt's eye soup, believed to have luck-changing properties. The British tabloids have taken a critical stance, labeling the situation a "ROTTEN ROYAL RIP OFF!"


  • The British tabloids are portraying the King's misfortune as a form of exploitation or injustice.
  • Dr. James Crawford suggests that the treatment for King Charles's condition will include alternative remedies like sage smudging and Druid incantations, indicating a belief in the efficacy of such practices.
  • Queen Camilla's action of brewing newt's eye soup reflects a traditional or folkloric approach to counteracting bad luck.
  • The public sentiment seems to be one of hope for a swift reversal of the King's lousy luck, as indicated by the mention of all of Britain hoping for the soup's effectiveness.

Poor Charlie…

King Charles Rushed To Hospital With Severe Case of Bad Karma

Ascending the throne in 2022 after a 75-year wait, the reigning monarch expressed dismay over “my fucking, awful bad luck”

Cursed the minute he put the damn crown on his head. (Photo Credit: PA)

King Charles was hurried to the hospital on Tuesday with what doctors are calling “one of the worst cases of bad karma we’ve ever encountered.” The British tabloids are calling it a “ROTTEN ROYAL RIP OFF!”

The monarch was just installed to the throne in September 2022 after twiddling-his-thumbs, waiting, tapping his foot, waiting some more, killing time, and standing by for seven decades while his stubborn mother, Queen Elizabeth, refused to abdicate or die.

“With malignant bad luck like this spreading throughout his body, we have to be very careful in the way we treat His Majesty,” said Dr. James Crawford of King Edward Hospital in Marylebone. “We will likely burn sage to smudge the harmful karma from the King’s aura and bring in some Druids to chant healing incantations. That’s about all we can do for him at this point.”

Queen Camilla, wife of King Charles, is also known to brew a potent newt’s eye soup that all of Britain is hoping will quickly change their monarch’s lousy luck.


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