avatarMiriam Connolly


Karaoke For The Kremlin

The random word of the day is BLASPHEMY

Image Credit: Dall-E/Author

On campus, Ted ran a karaoke bar with a difference. A political activist, Ted gave prizes for the most imaginative rebellion lyrics put to original songs. Students loved the creativity and latitude.

Here’s the chorus of this week’s winner — Sung to Billy Joel’s ‘Honesty’

Blas-phem-y is such a dirty word

When everyone is so devout

Blasphemy is hardly ever heard

But mostly what we scream about

Note: Ted did have to compromise on the choice of background song, the Pussy Riot members wanted God Save The Queen by The Sex Pistols, but Ted didn’t think it was timely.

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No More. No Less.

Since drabbles are so short, please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds. I would love to receive your claps or comments if you enjoyed the read!

Pussy Riot Gang imprisoned for performing a song called ‘Punk Prayer — Mother of God, Chase Putin Away’ inside the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow — Image Credit: Natalia Kolesnikova/Entertainment

Thanks to Nancy Oglesby and Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge. You can check it out here:

Discover the brilliance of Fiction Shorts authors through these captivating drabbles. Each 100-word story showcases their creative talent. Here are a couple for your enjoyment. More tomorrow….

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