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J.J. Wolfe is a freelance writer from the East Coast of the USA, now residing in France, who writes about love, relationships, and self-discovery, and offers advice through personal experiences and insights.


J.J. Wolfe introduces herself as a writer specializing in topics such as love, sex, relationships, and self-love. She shares her journey of navigating life's complexities, including the challenges of identity and transformation that come with significant life changes. Wolfe's work is inspired by her own experiences of success and failure, and she aims to inspire others to live fulfilling lives through her writing. She is particularly fond of writing in cafes, with a preference for cappuccinos and the city of Paris. Wolfe invites readers to subscribe to her newsletter for writing tips and personal insights, and she also highlights some of her popular posts on Medium.


  • Wolfe believes that writing is a means of finding oneself amidst feelings of being lost.
  • She emphasizes the importance of self-love and trust in oneself, especially after experiencing loss or life transitions.
  • Wolfe values creativity, love, and inspiration as key elements of a fulfilling life.
  • She suggests that readers should prioritize what feels right for them and choose to embrace the magic in everyday life.
  • Wolfe expresses a deep connection to her writing environment, with a special affection for Paris and the atmosphere of cafes.
  • She reflects on her past, acknowledging both the triumphs and the hardships she has faced, and encourages others to learn from their experiences.
  • Wolfe's writing is not just a profession but a passion that helps her make sense of life and guide others through their own journeys.

j.j. wolfe: everything you don’t need to know about me

hi, i’m j.j. wolfe. 🖤

Photo by Tanya Semenchuk on Unsplash

i once met a man in starbucks who told me he had recently retired and he had no idea who he was after living an incredible career filled with travel and excitement. he was struggling with how to make sense of the new unoccupied time and space.

he was lost.

we all get lost from time to time.

sometimes we find ourselves lost through loss, love, loneliness, heartbreak, job changes, breakups, divorce, infidelities, illness, death, motherhood, fatherhood, caregiving, aging, menopause, mid-life crisis, job loss, career restarts, empty-nesting, or loss of identity.

damn, getting lost can hurt and feel overwhelming.

i’ve loved hard and i’ve lost big time. i’ve known wild successes and epic, soul-crushing failures.

i’ve lost myself in others. i’ve found myself in the quietness of being alone.

i’ve lost people i’ve loved and trusted, including people i thought were impossible to lose in any capacity. i’ve gained new loves. i’ve learned that trust is well placed when i place it within myself.

what i do

writing keeps me found when i’m lost.

i’m a freelance writer who writes about love, sex, relationships, vulnerability, raw truth, and self-love. i also write erotic instapoetry.

i believe we are here to live our best lives, to create, love hard, and to inspire others to be better and feel more fulfilled in all they do.

i hope my writing inspires you to choose magic and what feels right for you every damn day.

thank you for being here.

where i spend my time writing

i spend a lot of time writing in cafes and coffee shops. i love to write when the morning sun is coming up almost as much as i love writing when my windows are filled with darkness.

my favorite hot, caffeinated beverage: cappuccino

my favorite city on the planet (so far): paris, france

where i live now: france

where i was born & raised: East Coast, USA

what’s in my closet: a box of dusty framed degrees

what i wish i had done sooner: taken my freelance writing career more seriously

sign up for my newsletter, what i wish i could have told you sooner, and get sweet freelance writing and content creation tips and other juicy stuff.

j.j. wolfe 🖤

p.s. If you love coffee, too…

You might love to check out some of my popular posts here:

About Me
Freelance Writer
Relationships Love Dating
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