avatarCaryn Leach-Smith


Is The Food You Are Eating Your Body’s Friend Or Frenemy?

Photo by Yoad Shejtman on Unsplash

I woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat and with a terrible burning sensation in my chest. God, it was awful. It was the sort of bloody uncomfortable burning pain that I suspect millions of people around the world suffer from.

Drugs Or No Drugs?

Unlike most people, I didn’t reach for the antacid tablets or some prescription drugs. Instead, I reached for my notebook and wrote down the question: Is food your friend or your frenemy?

I know what you’re thinking. You think I am going crazy because it’s obvious food is our friend. And why would any sane person be writing in a notebook rather than taking some form of medication?

The truth is I knew exactly what was causing the hot sweats and the very uncomfortable burning sensation in my chest. And I knew that I had to solve the root cause and not try and smother the problem with medication that solves nothing.

Thanks to Eric Edmeades and his Wildfit program, I have a lot more control over my food choices and a greater awareness of what is and isn’t good for me and my body.

Taking Responsibility

I knew when I ate a piece of homemade cake earlier that evening that there maybe be consequences. I hoped there wouldn’t be, but deep down, I knew there would be.

I confess. The cake got the better of me. I knew the risk and I took it. What I didn’t expect was the reaction to be so severe. Sweating out the toxins extreme heartburn all because of a piece of cake. But then, a peanut can be deadly. So I guess size really doesn’t matter.

Increasing Number Of Food Intolerances

Unfortunately, I am one of the growing numbers of people who have developed allergies/intolerances to foods they used to be able to eat without a problem. In this case, it’s wheat/gluten intolerance. As I said, I’m not alone and it’s no coincidence that 3 of my friends have also developed an intolerance to wheat/gluten in recent years.

We are no spring chickens. So it’s fairly safe to say that something has radically changed the food we are eating. There is something in it that wasn’t present before. It has changed the substance so dramatically that our bodies no longer recognize it as a friend. They now think of it as poison.

So when I asked you, Is the food you eat your body’s friend or frenemy? It wasn’t because I’m going insane. It’s because I believe modern-day food has evolved into something unrecognizable as good nutritious sustenance.

Are We Goats?

All this reminds me of the BBC series Life over 50C. In Mauritania, people are suffering because of climate change. The increase in temperatures and lack of rain means plants can’t grow. As a result, people and animals are starving. A goat herder had to take drastic action to keep his goats alive. He fed them cardboard. Yep, that’s right cardboard! They didn’t like it, but they had nothing else to eat.

Many of us are like those goats. We’re eating food that isn’t really food. The difference is, that most of us have a choice. We can choose to vote with our wallets.

It seems a little ironic. One half of the population can’t get enough food to eat and the other half is being poisoned. We are eating food dusted with poisonous pesticides and stuffing our faces with questionable, imitation or genetically engineered food.

Is It Real Food?

I don’t know what you think, but to me, it’s fake food masquerading as food. It looks like food; it smells like food but by golly, it’s not food.

As a kid, we grew our own vegetables. They came in all different shapes and sizes, they had bumps and blemishes and were covered in dirt, but they tasted great.

Now, everything is clean and tidy, grown in a liquid substance, it looks good but it tastes like shite or of nothing at all.

So now I have 2 options. I can continue to poison myself or I can take action and find an alternative to the homemade cake.

I don’t want this to be all doom and gloom. Some of you are probably wondering what you can do to protect your body.

Help Your Body

To help you and your body, I recommend these 3 steps:

  1. Take control of what you eat. Buy organic if possible or grow your own. Everyone can grow bean sprouts in their home and at least they will be fresh!
  2. Develop good food habits. Go for natural food over processed food.
  3. Eat consciously. By being aware of what you are eating you will be able to understand better what food is your body’s enemy and what food is a friend.

What do you think about modern food? Let me know in the comments.

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