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Is Open AI’s Secret Project Q* A Threat To Humanity?

If Reuters’ release is true, something is brewing in Open AI more than just boardroom drama.

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Photo by Andrew Neel: https://www.pexels.com/photo/monitor-screen-with-openai-logo-on-black-background-15863044/

Sometimes there is so much drama that you quickly lose sight of the reality. Worse, you don't want the drama to end because the fake is so much more entertaining.

That may be what is wrong with Open AI today — except that if the bizarre is the truth, then we are in serious trouble. All of humanity is. Not kidding.

OpenAI’s internal research team has gained a breakthrough in gen AI. The team has now built something in the space of what may be called AGI artificial generative intelligence — a space that most scientists thought would take some time to reach.

The AGI excels human intelligence by an order of magnitude and is possibly a threat if released for general access without a proper understanding of implications -legal, social impact, and diligence required prior.

This may hold the key to one of the differences between the earlier board and Sam last week. The news got out into the media through Reuters — check out their release with more details covered in this video (comment includes video link) and the Reuters release.

This is one of those bizarre situations where a real technology that has been built from the ground up is so darn good that it could easily make humanity look like we were stuck in the ice age. Worse, it could take us back there or just get too dangerous for humans. But that is the reason we want to worry about it.

The video below makes an attempt to put the story together briefly in a few minutes. Check it out for yourself.

About me: I write about life, tech, societies, and startups. I help startup founders get clarity, grow, and scale. I write regularly here, and many thanks, ILLUMINATION editors, for creating a writer’s profile for me.

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Project Q
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