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Is Man Like an Ostrich Sticking Its Head in the Sand?

We live in exceptional times. In the last 700,000 years, the planet has never had such a high level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We have a climate crisis, but do we need to care?

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Walking around in my life looking for peace and quiet seeking nourishment for body, emotions and thought Maybe not so hungry for food maybe a little in love with one I saw further down here . Walking around in the sunshine I am doing pretty well Life is not so bad when the sky is blue and nothing is urgent nothing is waiting to be done . I go here and do not think so much on the great world problems the big challenges - others can take care of them After all, we have enough with our own problems - haven’t we?

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Øivind H. Solheim — Norwegian author and nature photographer. Writes in Norwegian and in English: novels, short stories, creative short prose, poems, essays, and articles. Has since 2017 published stories on medium.com. He has published six novels, two non-fiction books, and a collection of poems.

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