Interesting Thoughts from Other Writers That Made Me Go Hmmm 🤔 or LOL 😂
My Weekly WTA: What The Ah-ha Moments — Issue 9 Holiday Style
I wanted to do shoutouts to authors, and I was going to do it in a newsletter, but everyone is doing one of those, it seems. I recently deleted most of the ones I subscribed to and didn’t even read the ones I think are stellar.
I decided that starting my own was not the best investment of my time. However, I still wanted to put together a piece highlighting things I learned or authors that made me laugh hysterically -in a good way.
For all you gift-giving shoppers, you are down to the wire with 1 more day to get your presents wrapped and under the Christmas tree 🎄.
This week is a little lighter on the number of stories but focused on Christmas for those who may have a few minutes to spare.
The holidays are not always easy, so these are a few pieces to make us think and laugh a little with powerful messages that will uplift and/or help you through it all.
This leads me to my first read to share that makes me go 🤔
This story by David Weldy takes us back to the elementary years. It’s a short tale packed with some poignant messages about friendship and how being a kid is not always easy.
But it is more manageable when someone like Tina has your back like she did during Christmas many years ago. It’s a reminder of how mean and wonderful kids can be growing up.
Now this next one will have you 😂
This one by Susan Wheelock had me laughing and feeling warm with fuzzies by the end.
She recounts how her family creatively handled the holidays during COVID-19 to make it one for the books or one to publish on Medium to share with all of us!
This last one will have you doing a little of this 🤔 and this 😊
This made me laugh because I tend to love my cheesy Christmas Hallmark movies.
It’s a cute and funny anti-movie romance male perspective on the topic. So, for all you romantic comedy averse like Adrian CDTPPW, this one is for you.
Make sure to read my counter view that will make you go 🤔
It’s my take on the lessons we can learn from those romantic movies Adrian loves to hate! 🤣
Hallmark movies aren’t just about unrealistic romance but also about finding your passion and reclaiming forgotten dreams.
If you haven’t read my more serious story on Christmas, it will definitely have you going 🤔
It’s my story growing up, dealing with the holidays and parents who are less than pleasant to be around.
Sometimes, you must take care of yourself first, even if it’s not what everyone else wants.
Happy Reading and Happy Holidays!
In the meantime, I will keep discovering, keep laughing, and keep the ‘ah-ha’ moments coming. So, Stay tuned for more exciting thoughts next time that will make you go Hmmm 🤔 or LOL 😂.
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