avatarRachel Sample M.Ed.


The website content provides an author bio for an Illumination writer who shares her personal life experiences, her passion for history, culture, and travel, and her commitment to writing as a means of connection and processing her thoughts.


The author is a married mother of eight who homeschools her children and identifies as a conservative, free-spirited idealist with ADHD. She describes herself as a compassionate listener who values learning from history to avoid repeating it. Her writing is inspired by her life experiences, focusing on topics like motherhood, marriage, mental health, and travel. She contributes to multiple publications and aims to share her insights and passion through her writing, with a goal to improve the lives of her readers and connect with them on a deeper level.


  • The author views her ADHD as a superpower that gives her a broad range of skills.
  • She emphasizes the importance of understanding history to prevent past mistakes from being repeated.
  • The author prioritizes her role as a mother and educator but also values her identity beyond these roles.
  • She believes in the power of words to connect with others and considers herself a student of history, striving to learn and share knowledge.
  • The author appreciates the support and encouragement she has received from the Illumination publication and is looking forward to continuing her writing journey with them.

Illumination Author Bio

Here I am, this is me

Who am I?

I am a girl that keeps getting older every year, but not quite all the way old. I have been married to my husband for seventeen years. We have eight beautiful children. I homeschool, but that is what I do, and not who I am.

I am a kind human who breaks for the broken. I am conservative in my lifestyle, but try to utilize my two ears more than my mouth.

I am an idealist who struggles with the thought of people intentionally causing harm.

My ADHD gives me a superpower where I become 80% proficient at 1,000 different things.

I am a free spirit, but I am strict with my children because I want the best for them.

I love to travel, go on adventures, and be in nature. Let’s be friends!

What do I write?

I write about what inspires me. I write about life experiences as a mother and wife and a human. I write about history, culture, and travel. I have a million more ideas in my head to write about, and I try to write daily for habit.

I am currently a writer in the publications: Illumination, The Ascent, Invivisblle Illness, The Writers Cooperative, Home Sweet Home, The Smarter Home, and Wide Open Space.

My work has been curated in: parenting, relationships, family, mental health, history, equality, race, and music.

Why do I write?

I write because I have so much passion living in my heart and want to share it with those around me. I genuinely want to connect with others through words.

I am a student historian (studying for my Ph.D.) and genuinely feel that if we don’t know history, we will unwittingly repeat it. I write to share, but also to process.

I write about everything I am, everything I do, and everything that I think will make your existence on this planet better.

Thank you Dr Mehmet Yildiz for adding me as a writer to your publication. I have found it to be a place of encouragement and support. I look forward to publishing more with this excellent platform of people.

Here are some of my popular articles published.

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