avatarEsther George


Illuminating My Path From Galaxies and Beyond

A writer’s bio: I’m a writer who writes

Photo by Tobi from Pexels

I’m a writer. Not a writer-wannabe. Not a writer-in-the-making. I’m a writer now. That’s because I don’t believe in past lives or future lives. You see, I’m not completely out of, or in the picture at any time. I am present simultaneously in a multiverse of parallel universes. In any chosen alternate reality, I remain a writer.

I time travel back and forth from these worlds crossing time and space in the smallest fraction of an instant. One moment you’ll find me having tea on the moon upon a clear and starry night with my intergalactic friends. Next, I’ll be back on earth pounding away on the keyboard as my conscious brain interlaces and spins words forming lyrics that connect to my soul and hopefully yours, my fellow readers and writers.

I’m made up of words. They reside at the core of who I am, though I may not have completely discovered the true essence of me yet. I erect fortresses with words and tear them down with words; binding ruthless hearts with words and bestow wings on mine with words.

From my heart, words flow like currents of a river move downstream. I’m like a wild horse with explosive energy, flying freely on the landscape. Yet the magic happens in the ether, in the whirling nothingness that spans across galaxies.

I pretty much live in my head, assembling the innumerable pieces that make up many versions of myself. Like an infinite jigsaw puzzle that is incomplete, there are a thousand pieces of me that can never complete the picture yet somehow fit. I’m a time traveler, swimming in the pool of cosmic space, spending and bending space-time with the lover of my soul, in a place where words aren’t possible, or necessary.

Yet when I return to this space-time, words cascade like clear blue water, tumbling from atop a cliff. I’ll open up to a blank page and let my fingers dance across the keys, giving expressions to life, to dreams, to aspirations, to disappointments, to yearnings and desires. Inspired words flow from the reservoir within to form drafts of my creation.

Therefore, there’s no use to me or anyone else in spreading my qualifications like a picnic blanket or hanging out my accolades like clothes on a washing line, for all to see my sexy lingerie, cropped tee’s and skinny jeans, for they mean nothing more than my shabby-chic comfortably large sweaters and pants. I am a soul that travels free and a writer that gets lost in her worlds of words.

Writing takes me places — a kind teleportation to different realms, sitting on a dot and bungee jumping forward, sensing the excitement without the danger, pulled into and retrieved from vortexes, feeling the wind in my face.

Writing causes and allows me to feel — to love with every last ounce of my energy, to express without fear, riding the emotional hurricane in full force, coming out unharmed, and daring to give of myself completely.

Since I’m called to write a Writer’s Bio, this is who you will associate with — the writer.

Doesn’t matter if she’s a soul who travels through parallel universes, or a human who lives in her head. She may be a woman who can’t get through the morning without her double espresso shots or just a gal who loves too deeply. None of that matters because the soul, the human, the woman, or the gal that she is cannot connect with her readers. Only the Writer can.

So here I am introducing myself. Whoever you are and wherever you’re from, in time-space or space-time, let me have the honor to say this one thing: It is indeed a pleasure to meet you. I’m Esther George, the writer. Oh ya, I’m also a dreamer, but that’s another story for another time.

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