

5 things a good woman should be able to bring to the table

Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

To get a good woman, you must be a good man. A man who makes a woman feel secure brings out everything she has to offer in a relationship—love cooking, cleaning, etc. A man who makes a woman feel loved will receive love back tenfold so please don’t expect your woman to be authentic if you can’t create an enabling environment for her to thrive.

If you’re not reciprocating her gestures, she’ll hold back, and you’ll never experience her for who she truly is Anyway, let’s jump into today’s article.

So a very good woman, like anyone of strong character and positive attributes, can bring a multitude of valuable qualities to a relationship. These qualities can vary widely depending on, of course, the individual but in today’s article, I’m going to share my top five things that a woman should bring to the table.

1. Loyalty: The foundation of a strong connection

Loyalty in a relationship is about being faithful, not just in terms of fidelity but also in terms of emotional and moral support. A very good woman demonstrates loyalty by doing these three things:

a) standing by her partner. A good woman will always be there for her partner through good and bad times. She’ll be the biggest supporter and cheerleader She’ll always be there to pick him up when he’s down. I mean, if you lost your job today, as your woman, she will offer you emotional support, listen to your feelings of disappointment, acknowledge your feelings, empathize with you, and support you. Is she the kind of woman who will help you see that your worth isn’t solely defined by the job that you just lost, or will she be pointing fingers at you and accusing you of being careless and useless now that loyalty involves being there for your partner and upholding your commitments even in difficult times?

b) The second thing that will demonstrate her loyalty will be respecting the relationship’s boundaries. A good woman will respect the boundaries of her relationship. She’ll not engage in any behavior that will make you feel uncomfortable or disrespected For example, she won’t flirt with other men in front of you; she won't disappear into thin air for hours without telling you where she’s going; and she will certainly not share private information about you with others. She will be respectful of your time and space; she won’t try to control you or manipulate you.

c) The third thing that will demonstrate her loyalty is prioritizing the relationship’s well-being. In a committed relationship, a good woman will always put the needs of her relationship first, yes, ahead of her friends and ahead of her family’s demands. She will be willing to compromise and sacrifice for the sake of the relationship and she’ll always be looking for ways to make it work. Stronger loyalty involves being there for your partner and upholding your commitments, even in difficult times.

2. Independence and interdependence: Striking the right balance

The second thing your woman should bring to the table is independence and interdependence.

A balance of independence, which is maintaining her own identity and interests, and interdependence, which is working together as a team, is often a quality of a really good woman or partner. A partner who’s too independent may not be willing to compromise or share responsibilities, while a partner who is too interdependent might not be able to function without the other person so the woman you want is someone who’s able to find a balance between these two extremes so that both people can feel like they’re contributing to a relationship and are getting their needs met some specific examples of Independence and interdependence in a relationship include, let’s touch on,

Independence first

i. having her own friends and interests

ii. being able to make personal decisions for herself without having to consult you about everything

iii. being financially independent

let’s look at interdependence let me give you a couple of examples here

i. Sharing responsibilities in the household

ii. supporting each other’s goals

iii. making decisions together

So just to help you understand the difference between the two, it’s important to know that the amount of independence and interdependence that is ideal for a relationship will obviously vary from relationship to relationship and couple to couple. Some couples may prefer to have a more independent relationship While others may prefer to have interdependent relationships now, the key is to find a balance that works for both of you Let’s jump into the third

3. Partnership: Embracing equality in contributions

The third thing your woman must bring to the table, if you ask me, is a partnership

So don’t be scared of the thought of rubbing shoulders with your woman. Some men hear the word partnership and they just want to run for the hills. Listen, if you’re with a good woman who truly understands the meaning of partnership, you’ll enjoy your relationship thoroughly. So what does a partnership truly entail? Well, to be completely honest, it involves everything I’ve touched on and will touch on with the rest of this article.

Partnership means that both individuals contribute equally to a relationship. This doesn’t necessarily mean doing the same things or contributing in the same way or even the same amount, but rather ensuring that each person’s contributions are valued and acknowledged, whether they’re emotional, financially practical, or supportive in nature. In a true partnership, decisions are made together. This involves discussing important matters, listening to each other’s opinions respecting those opinions, and reaching decisions that consider the well-being and preferences of both parties

4. Financial support

This may be an unpopular opinion but it’s true there’s strength in numbers and I truly believe that the days of single-income households are slowly dissipating economic conditions, including the aftermath of the pandemic Financial Trends are significantly affecting relationships and whether you want to accept it or not Financial stress or Prosperity will impact the relationship stability your priorities decisions about Milestones like taking your relationship to Next Level and getting married or starting a family if you’re a single man you should be looking for a woman who can also bring bacon home unless of course you don’t mind bearing the full financial burden my question is if you’re an average Joe for how long will the burden be yours alone to carry I mean let’s call a spade a spade if your woman is lazy and is 100% reliant on you that will put a heavy burden on you and your relationship I believe your woman should bring a good percentage to the table even if she can’t match you up.

5. Intimacy beyond the physical: Building a deep connection

Actually, I'm not talking about sex at all at this particular point, although it would be a plus if you’re in a committed relationship. I’m referencing the following types of intimacy: emotional intimacy, sharing thoughts, feelings, fears, and desires openly and without fear. intellectual intimacy by engaging in deep conversations about topics of mutual interest, exchanging ideas, respecting each other’s perspectives, and engaging in experiential intimacy—doing activities together—traveling, hiking, cooking engaging in hobbies, and sharing experiences—will and can strengthen the bond that you guys have work and financial intimacy collaborating on projects or supporting each other’s career goals and admissions, as well as being open about financial goals and planning for the future together physical, nonsexual intimacy—I'm talking about holding hands, cuddling, hugging, and other forms of physical affection that are not necessarily sexual.

Finally, let me throw this one into digital intimacy Yep, staying connected through text messages and social media video calls is especially important for long-distance relationships. I mean, each type of intimacy that I’ve outlined contributes to a well-rounded and deeply connected relationship.

6 (Bonus). Love: The essential ingredient

Now, the last thing your woman must bring to the table is love. A good woman brings joy and happiness into the relationship. She finds ways to enjoy life together with her man, creating memorable experiences that strengthen their bond. This means loving her man for who he is without trying to change him into something or someone else. It’s a love that endures through ups and downs, supporting her man each chance she gets. She expresses this love through her words and her actions, emotional support, physical touch, and acts of kindness. A good woman understands the importance of expressing love in a way that resonates most with her partner. whether it’s through verbal affirmations, gestures or simply spending quality time with him whenever she can, I’ll wrap up this article here


Ponder on the things that I’ve highlighted today. Perhaps you should pause and ask yourself if you’re a good man Too often, the question of what you bring to the table is misconstrued to mean financial contributions only but I’m sorry to say that it’s actually so far from the truth. It takes more for a relationship to thrive than just monetary contributions so open your heart and your mind and embrace new thoughts about this particular conversation I hope you found this article helpful. If you did,

Feel free to let me know what you think about it in the comments, and make sure you give it all your claps and subscribe to my newsletter if you haven’t already to stay up-to-date with my articles.

Oh yeah, before I forget, I think I’m thirsty too; you can as well buy me a cup of coffee! Thank you! gracias!!

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