avatarA Nkeonye Judith Izuka-Aguocha


I Think These Vaccines Work.

“What this [COVID] virus has continued to demonstrate is its ability to find people who are not vaccinated.”

Photo by Ed Us on Unsplash

I am a doctor and, by default, a scientist. I do not understand all scientific principles, but understand those that affect my practice as a physician. As for the rest, because there are giants before me who have proved their hypothesis, I just follow.

This is the reason I wash my hands, use hand sanitizers and wear masks. It is the reason I try to practice social distancing. It’s also the reason I got vaccinated.

At the time of the vaccine roll-out, when the strategy in Ontario was to administer to seniors and healthcare workers first, I was scheduled to travel to my home country, Nigeria. So, I hadn’t received the vaccine. My people couldn’t care less about social distancing. I hoped that my healthy practices and immune system would save me.

When I got home, I heard vaccines were available for distribution. However, there was some public skepticism about the vaccines. Some did not believe in its efficacy. Others felt microchips were being inserted into their bodies. There were those who felt these vaccines available in West Africa and other developing countries were not the best of the lot. Based on that, they decided they weren’t getting the vaccines.

Amid this confusion, there was news surrounding the fourth wave of the outbreak and the Delta variant. I thought to myself: Wouldn’t I rather get the so-called substandard vaccine shots than not have any cover at all? Half a loaf of bread is better than none. Besides, what was the guarantee that if I got hit by the virus, I would have access to a ventilator or ICU care?

So, I got 2 shots of the AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine. I kept up with other practices and life continued as normal. By the time I was ready to return to North America, I was fully vaccinated and bothered myself with other things.

Life continued as normal until winter, everyone in my office took ill. One by one, people took time off work cos each person was exhibiting respiratory symptoms. There was no exemption. Two members of staff did covid tests and it was positive. We then assumed we all had covid-19.

However, we all responded differently in terms of the duration of the illness and severity. Remember that we were all different in terms of age, nutritional status, stress levels, and how much sleep each person got. My observations; staff who weren’t vaccinated were very sick for the longest time. Staff who had co-morbidities were also seriously ill, though they eventually recovered. Staff who had no co-morbidities and were vaccinated had the shortest duration of illness with the least severe symptoms.

In retrospect, I trust Science because the evidence supporting vaccination is true. I might not have worked in the labs or taken part in clinical trials. The bug had to bite before I was reminded again that vaccinations work. Now, I am so glad I got those shots.

“What this [COVID] virus has continued to demonstrate is its ability to find people who are not vaccinated.” ~Michael Osterholm, PhD, MD.

Life Lessons
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