I Got 10X Reads, But Earnings Don’t Match
This article is going to be short but informative.
For those who are looking at stats using the read/earnings formula — please stop.
Before I explain why, let me share some of my latest earnings with you.
For example, this article:
I posted in on January 28.
There are 669 claps and 9 comments so far.
Here are the analytics of this article:
Let’s summarize it:
- 24 reads
- 55% read ration
- $1.77 earnings
$1,77/24=$0,07375 per 1 read.
Usually, I saw numbers 0,12 per 1 read.
For most articles, it was around $1 per 8–12 read — across all articles.
And here is where it gets interesting.
This week, I went over 100 and then over 200 reads daily.
The highest was 271 reads.
Let’s try to calculate my lowest rate per read that I got for the whole time:
I was excited about this and couldn’t wait for the results.
And what do you think I got? Less? More?
That’s it. I re-read info about the earnings algorithm on Medium to understand how such a situation could happen, and it seems like the algorithm works in “a magic way.”
Would this magic way work for you to live on? I wouldn’t rely on it. You would never know at what point you will be miserably drawn.
As a side-hustle? Maybe. You should always try such things yourself, maybe be you’re the next TOP-1 writer on Medium.
I don’t want to demotivate people; just a fresh reminder to stay alert and rational with how you spend your time and where you put your effort.
Stay conscious of your choices, and life will be full of joy.
You can find me on social media: LinkedIn | Twitter And buy me a cup of black☕️