Self Improvement
I Can’t Accept Myself
Self-acceptance isn’t easy, but it’s possible.
We live in a world that sometimes tells us to accept ourselves but often teaches us to reject ourselves.
Accept yourself for who you are today, who you were yesterday, and who you’re on the path to be.
If you don’t wish to be the person you’re becoming or the person you are today, you can choose to go a different path. You have the power to change, but first, you must accept who you are right now.
Never cease accepting yourself. Self-acceptance is an essential part of loving yourself.
I accept myself. I accept myself unconditionally. I accept all of my flaws. I accept all of my imperfections. I accept all of the choices I have made to date. I accept my past. I accept my mistakes. I accept all of my past unproductive behaviors. I accept both the good and bad parts of who I am. I choose to accept all of me — fully. I value self-acceptance. I support myself. I prioritize my mental health. I am thankful for my past, present, and future. I believe that I am on the right path. I embrace self-awareness. I make the changes I need to flourish. I love myself without conditions. I am worthy of self-acceptance. I am accepted. Self-acceptance has found me.
Continue reading the series…I Can’t Love Myself, I Can’t Forgive Myself