avatarLibby Shively McAvoy


I Can Have My Cake & Eat It Too

Fall Beauty in the Desert

Author’s Personal Image

Magical Golden Aspens In Fall

When I moved to Arizona, I delighted in the fact that I would no longer have to suffer through the long, cold winters of the Midwest. However, this also meant I would sacrifice season changes, or so I thought. It turns out I can have my cake and eat it too!

The Phoenix area gets approximately 300 days of sun annually and is the sunniest city in the United States. However, Flagstaff is nestled in the mountains just a couple hours north. Flagstaff is home to a ski resort with a mountain peak of 11,500ft in elevation. They have beautiful fall colors and temperatures and are expected to see higher-than-normal snow levels this year. So, I can experience the best of both worlds with just a short and lovely car drive.

Author’s Personal Images

Day Trip To Aspen Loop Trail

I took a day trip to Flagstaff yesterday to hike, do a photoshoot, and scout out the ski resort. The fall colors were magnificent. The colors were brilliant as I drove into town. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I forgot how exciting it could be to see the brilliance of crimson, yellow, and orange leaves against the greenery. It was so good for my soul.

I sat outside and enjoyed brunch with my best friend and photographer. We both needed a jacket but appreciated the brisk breeze. It was a refreshing change from the hot Phoenix air I love. In many ways, it reminded me of home.

Author’s Personal Images

The Hike

After brunch, we headed to the Aspen Loop Trailhead. Wow! I have never seen so many Aspens. Some were green, and some amber. They ranged in size. The sky was bright, clear, and blue, and the sun was smiling down upon us. The way they shimmer and dance in the breeze is magical.

The hike itsself was exhilirating. We were at 7000 ft elevation, and the Aspen Loop trailhead is 2.5 miles and has a 350 ft elevation change. You experience both uphill and down no matter which way you go, and there is a beautiful meadow in the middle. Some of the trees are over a thousand years old. This was my first hike since moving here because it has been too hot, so it was a nice warm-up for Camel Back and some bigger hikes that I look forward to this winter.

Author’s images from her professional shoot for companies she represents


After our photo shoot, we went to the ski resort to check it out. I took some photos to entice my children to visit this winter and see what a tall peak of 11,500 ft. looked like. I may not have the guts to ski it — it is ridiculously high. When I sent my son the photos, he was so excited. He will definitely be visiting, and I may have no choice but to ski it. (maybe the photos were not such a great idea. 😭)

It has a lovely lodge with an outdoor patio to eat and grab an adult beverage. They had fun lawn games and plenty of entertainment for children. The gondola is in working order year-round. The staff was very friendly. It's a great place to congregate all year long.

Author’s Personal Images

Final Thoughts

It was refreshing to experience something so different. It brought out my creative side and inner child. Flagstaff was a neat and artsy town, and I look forward to returning. I enjoyed the fall feels for the day but was happy to return home to the warm desert. I love swimming and floating all year long and enjoying the sunshine, palm trees, cacti, and gorgeous flowers. It will never get old to me.

I have been working extremely hard since moving here in early August, and yesterday was my first full day off. It is funny what a day off does for the soul. I woke up at four a.m. today, ready to go. My creative juices were in full flow. It was an important reminder that the body and mind both need rest and to get out of the regular routine and experience adventure.

My next stop will be a pumpkin patch. I don’t mind it being unseasonably warm for that visit. I hear they have plenty of festive farms in my area, and I look forward to exploring them. My only requirement is a sweet treat — I love pumpkin patches with bakeries, petting farms, and a great pumpkin to carve.

What are your favorite fall traditions? What is your favorite season? Please comment and tell me. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I invite you to join my YouTube Channel, where I offer short daily videos on emotional intelligence, relationships, spirituality, meditation, and more.

Peace & Light,


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The Best Of Both Worlds
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