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Shireen from Malaysia shares her personal growth journey, from overcoming introversion and perfectionism to becoming a writer and embracing AI technology, all while maintaining gratitude and a commitment to lifelong learning.


Shireen, a Malaysian food enthusiast, reflects on her life's journey, which has been shaped by values of independence and self-discipline instilled by her family. Despite initial struggles with perfectionism and introversion, she has evolved into a writer, inspired by the Medium community's support. Her acceptance as a writer for ILLUMINATION, guided by Dr Mehmet Yildiz, marks a significant milestone in her career. Shireen also explores AI technology and programming languages, aiming to integrate this knowledge into her business ventures. Her transformation is deeply influenced by her mentor, Master Ted Sun, and his teachings on love, gratitude, and positive energy. Shireen openly shares her experiences and learnings through her writing, hoping to provide wisdom and guidance to others.


  • Shireen values the influence of family in shaping her core values and work ethic.
  • She acknowledges the initial hindrance of perfectionism in her life but has learned to embrace imperfection as part of her growth.
  • The Medium community has had a profound impact on Shireen, providing her with a sense of belonging and encouragement in her writing endeavors.
  • Shireen is grateful for the opportunity to write for ILLUMINATION and views it as a pivotal point in her writing career.
  • She believes in the power of continuous learning and is proactively engaging with AI technology and programming to enhance her business acumen.
  • The teachings of Master Ted Sun, particularly the concepts of love and gratitude, have significantly shaped her life philosophy.
  • Shireen is committed to sharing her insights and mistakes openly, considering it a way to impart wisdom and foster personal connections.
  • She expresses deep gratitude towards her mentor, Master Ted Sun, and the ILLUMINATION team for their support and guidance.

I am who I am

My Humble Journey

Image from Canva Pro

God has made His greatest creation. Everyone is born differently, at the right time, in the right place, with the right person. Trust the journey and go along with the arrangement.

Hey, I’m Shireen from Malaysia, a country known for its delectable cuisine. Being a foodie, I’m grateful to call this place - Home, where we can explore a world of authentic flavours, from the local hawker centres to the finest restaurants.

As I grew up, my family instilled priceless values in me: Independence and Self-discipline. Those values, while essential, moulded me into an organized planner, but they also carried a less welcome companion — perfectionism. This trait once held me back from chasing my dreams.

I’ve opened up more about this journey in this article, and I’m thrilled to share that it’s my very first story published in ILLUMINATION. The opportunity leaves me immensely grateful.

Back in the Days

I used to be quite the introvert, lacking the courage to venture outside my comfort zone, let alone dare to dream big. Regrettably, my passion was limited to TV dramas.

Looking back, I can’t help but think of those hours that could have been better invested in acquiring additional skills and knowledge.

Over time, I weaned myself off TV dramas, recognizing that each new day presents a fresh opportunity to learn. After all, small steps are better than none.

Fast Forward Today

I’m a contented mother with a loving family — a life I adore. However, life had an unexpected twist in store for me: I became a writer. It’s a dream I never thought I’d pursue.

Just a month ago, inspired by fellow writers who share self-improvement and motivational stories, I decided to take the plunge into the world of writing.

What keeps me hooked on Medium is the incredible sense of belonging within this community. It’s like being part of an extended family of wordsmiths — a feeling that’s hard to put into words. The comments and unwavering support I receive are truly heartwarming.

A Remarkable Turn

Imagine my sheer amazement when I received the news that I had been accepted as a writer for ILLUMINATION, under the guidance of Dr Mehmet Yildiz. The gratitude I felt upon reading that email is beyond description; it’s the kind of motivation that ignites my spirit.

I’m fully aware that this marks just the beginning of my journey. Acceptance is a significant milestone, but the path forward depends on my dedication and persistence in this blogging journey.

The next wave of motivation surged through me when I saw that notification bell, signalling that the editor had published my work for the very first time, just as I mentioned earlier.

These are the moments that fuel my determination. This is precisely how a newcomer feels — grateful beyond words. A heartfelt thank you to Lawson Wallace, the editor who believed in my story.

Balancing Dreams

As I pursue my writing dreams, I’m also venturing into the captivating realm of AI technology. Despite the convenience of no-code resources, my insatiable thirst for knowledge propels me to learn programming languages. I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong journey.

Although I’m still at the beginning of this exciting path, I hold unwavering confidence in reaching my destination. The knowledge I gain will prove invaluable for my current business plan, where I aim to provide project management tools for business owners, enabling them to seamlessly integrate their business directories. Automation is the next milestone on the horizon, and I’m determined to master coding, understanding that it will take me a long way.

There’s no shortcut to success; it all starts with the right mindset, meticulous planning, and, most crucially, taking action.

Most Pivotal Chapter of My Life

This is where my mindset, behaviour, and character underwent a profound transformation — a shift toward a more meaningful perspective.

Shortly before the pandemic reshaped our world, I had the privilege of meeting my mentor, Master Ted Sun. He’s a world-renowned speaker, educator, best-selling author in energy management, and even a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.

Through his teachings, beautifully documented in the book ‘Super Life Secret Codes,’ I uncovered the profound impact of ‘Love and Gratitude.’ It’s more than just uttering a simple ‘thank you’; it’s about sincerely practising gratitude from the depths of our hearts.

Embracing gratitude elevates our positive energy and shields us from negativity.

This transformative power has become an integral part of my life, and I wholeheartedly embrace it through my 5 core principles, where you can delve deeper here.

Sharing Wisdom Through Writing

I must also admit that I’m unafraid of acknowledging my mistakes and sharing my learnings. Writing about them serves as both a personal reminder and a wellspring of wisdom for others. Feel free to check it out.

In conclusion

I’m incredibly thankful to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for creating ILLUMINATION and extending a warm welcome to all the new writers. I also want to express my deep appreciation to the fantastic team of fellow editors. Words fall short of capturing just how grateful and motivated I feel.

And last but certainly not least, my immense gratitude extends to my family members and my ever-respectful mentor, Master Ted Sun. His ‘Super Life Secret Codes System’ holds the potential to bring peace and harmony to all of humanity.

So, there you have it — a glimpse into my world.

I’m Shireen, a humble Asian residing in Malaysia, right next to the vibrant city-state of Singapore. I possess an insatiable curiosity and a fervent passion for learning from like-minded individuals. I’m in a constant state of evolution, forever eager to grow, and fully committed to the never-ending journey of learning.

Thanks a lot for reading through all of this. Really appreciate it!

Self Improvement
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