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Your choice of a kicker

I Am The Chosen One

For further distribution

Me, happy. The picture was chosen by Christian.

People of Medium!

The wait is over. I am the Chosen One. For further distribution.


You read it right. The Algo loves me.


Anything I write, and when I say anything, it’s really anything⁴², gets chosen for further distribution.

It’s wonderfully useless.

Look at this comparison I built based on a representative sample of 27 stories published in the last four months. Before distribution, the views were poor. After distribution, it’s the same, but these are chosen views.

Beautiful graph made by Author while eating cheerios and tweeting some #normalizetweeting stuff


But I can’t do it anymore. That’s why I’m writing this article. The time has come to hand over the reins to a worthy Medium Writer.

Could it be you?

After the change is complete, I’ll stay Chosen Emeritus, but you’ll be the current Chosen One titleholder. It’s a great opportunity for you to do nothing with it. It’s very similar to the Top Writer badges nobody’s paying attention to. I mean, not the readers in any case.

Being the Chosen One guarantees your articles will be chosen for further distribution, all the while keeping the number of views unchanged.

Sometimes the “chosen for distribution” mark of the Algo will be written in white — on a white background. It’s nothing to worry about. This totally normal phenomenon can even play to your advantage.

Compare the two graphics below. On the left, the “chosen for distribution” mark of the Algo is visible. On the right, it’s the white-on-white version. Look closely and tell me honestly, which one do you prefer?

Source: left and right — Beautiful graph made by Author while drinking homemade cheerios juice

For me, it’s a no-brainer. I prefer the right one, written in white color on a white background.

What are you waiting for?

Leave a comment and enter the draw for your chance to be the new CHOSEN ONE.

⁴² Here’s a sample proving my writings are truly about anything.

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