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Human vs AI Creativity — We’re Not in Kansas Anymore Dorothy!

Lessons from the ‘Wizard of Oz’ on the creative future of Humankind

Image hand drawn by author DJ Hopkins

It’s bloody fascinating how art imitates life, reflecting it like a mirror and even predicting the future at times.

This got me pondering about that old ‘analogue’ flick “The Wizard of Oz.”

How it might have some valuable lessons to offer us about the impending AI revolution and its effect on art and creativity.

I know it sounds a bit mad, but it’s possible that Dorothy and her mates, Scarecrow, Lion, and the Tin Man, could give us some pointers on how to deal with the wicked witch, AI.

Now, I’m not saying this will be like some Nostradamus-level prophecy or anything.

But it’s going to be a wild ride as we navigate our AI-powered future, so let’s get all the help we can get. Because there are bound to be some bumps in the yellow brick road!

That doesn’t mean it will be a dystopian hellscape where robots reign and we all become AI slaves — which would be quite ironic, considering we created them!

So, as we skip and sing our merry way to our digital future, repeat after me.

“We’re not in Kansas anymore!”

The Scarecrow and intelligence

Remember that floppy guy, the Scarecrow?

Poor bugger didn’t have a brain, or so he thought until some grey-haired geezer behind the curtain called the Wizard and told him he’d been using it all along. He was chuffed to bits to find out he was smarter than he gave himself credit for.

You see, he’d already been using his natural intelligence and creativity. He had solved all sorts of problems for the gang on their journey to see the Wizard.

But now we’re talking about AI, and let’s face it, they’re already more intelligent than us. And they’re only going to get faster and better.

We don’t stand a chance really.

We have to get used to the fact that AI is gonna be the Wizard from now on.

Here’s the thing though, we don’t have to be like the Scarecrow at the start and get all defeatist about it. We don’t have to think we’re gonna end up being a spare part on the creative front.

No, instead of seeing AI as a threat to replace us, we should see it as a way to enhance our human creativity. We can get it to do all the heavy lifting for us while we direct the real creative and innovative ideas.

But, and this is a big old but, we have to remember that we still have the potential to be creative on our own.

Just like the Scarecrow, we’ve got natural intelligence and creativity. More than we have yet to realize. It’s what we have been developing for thousands of years, and that’s something AI can’t match.

Loving-kindness ‘Tin Man’ style

Now the Tin Man’s got this whole heart thing going on, or rather not going on. He’s a bit lacking in the old emotional connection department, a bit like some people I know.

But the Wizard points out that love is not just measured by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.

This made the Tin Man realize he had been loved all along by his friends because of all the things he’d done to help them on their journey to see the wizard.

He comforted the Scarecrow when he was afraid of fire, and he cheered up the cowardly Lion when he felt discouraged. He’d show compassion, bravery, and even kindness by carrying Dorothy and Toto when they were too tired to walk.

Now, when it comes to creativity — it’s not only about producing something. It’s about the human touch that makes it unique and meaningful. It’s about creating that deep emotional connection.

It’s about loving kindness, empathy, and compassion. And just like The Tin Man, it’s what we humans have.

So sure, AI might be a souped-up machine that goes faster and further. But let’s not forget that humans have that special sauce that can’t be replicated.

The Lion and a brave new world

Last but not least, we got this big old cat who’s supposed to be king of the jungle or whatever. But turns out he’s a bit of a scaredy cat.

You wouldn’t believe it, he didn’t even want to go on the journey with Dorothy to find the Wizard and take down the Wicked Witch.

You’re probably getting the gist by now, right?

Anyway, long story short, the lion finally gets to meet the Wizard and all he needed was a bit of validation. Like his newfound mates, he realizes he already had what he needed inside of him all along.

The Wizard gives him a medal and boom, the Lion’s feeling all confident and courageous.

And that’s kind of like us humans too.

We’ve already got courage inside of us, we just need to recognize it and use it. In this brave new world with AI all around us, we can’t be scaredy cats.

We need to use AI to enhance our own creativity and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

The witch, the wizard, and our digital karma!

To wrap all this up.

Our fear of AI taking over our lives, that’s like the Wicked Witch. It’s our fear of change and the unknown. But come on, we all know we can adapt to change, right?

Let’s pull back the curtain on the Wizard AI.

It’s not real, like us.

Sure, it might be all-powerful with it binary numbers and code and whatnot, but at the end of the day, it’s a machine. Pull the plug and poof, it’s gone.

And look, if AI does end up hijacking our lives and creativity, maybe that’s just our digital karma. After all, we created it. We have to face the consequences of our actions, plain and simple.

Here’s what we need to remember

  • Like the Scarecrow, we’ve got a brain. We haven’t even tapped into its full potential yet, and that’s where our creativity and imagination come from.
  • Like the Tin Man, we’ve got a heart. When we operate with coherence between the heart and the brain something magical happens. It’s spiritual man.
  • Like the Lion, humans have always had courage. We’ve survived for 6 thousand odd years and built a civilization of billions. We’ve got the courage to handle the future we’ve created for ourselves.

So, are we the Wizard behind the curtains pulling the levers on this planet called Oz? Maybe it’s time we faced the wicked witch of our shadow collective self and wake up to what we really are.

Click your heels together and repeat after me. “We’re not in Kansas anymore!”

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Artificial Intelligence
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