avatarAldric Chen


How We Can Find Ourselves In A FEW WORDS.

That is the billion-dollar question of our life.

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

Throughout my coaching business, I come across many who struggle with life. Too many people struggle to find their spot in life, who they are, what they represent, what makes them tick.

These are serious issues, and we can find that key that unlocks our life potential. However, there is no secret pluck-and-play formula to self-awareness. In life, only trial and error matter.

There are two ways we can understand ourselves better.

The first way is to keep a journal and log daily entries. The key is to keep it simple. Write what catches our attention that day. Log how happy or unhappy we are that day.

Over time, we know what we like and seek.

The second way requires reflection. I do this exercise with my mentees often.

Start by drawing a timeline of our life. And then identify the highs and lows of our life experience.

It can be an early promotion we strived hard for over the year. It can be a repeat year in school because we flopped our National Examinations.

With the above, life gets interesting. We will find out that some of our flops bother others, not us.

We might also discover that we are more family-oriented than career-absorbed.

Regardless, this is my point.

When it comes to our life, no one will know ourselves better than we do. And that is true even if we have not figured ourselves out. Therefore, it is up to us to find ourselves instead of drifting along.

I hope this helps.

Seek Clarity In Our Life.


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About the Author:

As a content contributor, I write my observations from daily life and my business exposure.

Because our life experience is the bedrock of our unique perspectives.

As a Consultant by training, I believe in making the complex simple.

Because simplicity adds value.

And with clarity — We grow.

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Self Love
Self Improvement
Life Lessons
Life Journey
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