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Aldric, an avid reader and writer, shares his journey from a childhood filled with books to becoming a content contributor on Medium, where he types to connect, communicate, and share his perspectives.


Aldric introduces himself as a passionate reader and writer, emphasizing that reading has always been a source of solace and learning for him. His transition from consuming books like Enid Blyton's series to journaling his thoughts led him to the discovery of writing. Aldric's writing process is deeply reflective, often prompting further introspection and a desire to improve his craft. He expresses his love for the discovery process involved in writing and reading, particularly in theoretical physics, which fuels his curiosity about the universe. Disillusioned with the state of social media, Aldric found Medium to be a platform that harkens back to the essence of reading and writing without the noise of SEO-driven content. He now contributes to Medium, aspiring to connect with like-minded individuals and potentially become an author, while continuously honing his writing skills.


  • Aldric values the act of reading as a form of personal growth and enjoyment, recalling fond memories of childhood books.
  • He believes in the power of writing as a tool for reflection and understanding, often leading to a cycle of questioning and learning.
  • Aldric is critical of the current state of social media, where content is often driven by SEO and lacks originality or depth.
  • He finds Medium to be a preferable platform for writers and readers alike, due to its focus on content quality over virality.
  • Aldric is intrigued by theoretical physics and the process through which its titans uncover the truths of the universe.
  • He sees writing as a means to anchor thoughts and share his worldview, with the aspiration of one day becoming an author.
  • Aldric emphasizes the importance of simplicity in communication, aligning with his professional background as a consultant.

An Author’s Bio on ILLUMINATION — I Read and Write. Now, I Type.

Hi, I am Aldric.

I am a reader.

I am a reader first, writer second.

In fact, I never knew that I would write for myself or for others when I was growing up.

All I wanted to do was to disappear hours on end with a swaying stack of books.

Photo by Devon Divine on Unsplash

Reading brings me solace. I always felt that I needed to do something. Growing up as a little boy, I have been told to sweat it out. Soccer, running around and etc. Just moving around, chasing after a ball, going after that shuttlecock with a weapon in my hand. I don’t deny that it feels fantastic. I feel so even today.

I just cannot stop moving.

That didn’t stop my mind from moving.

My mind seems to be in a continuous hunt for materials to consume.

Don’t ask me why.

I don’t know.

As much as I try to recall when this voracious appetite for reading actually started while typing this piece — It seems that I couldn’t. All I could recall was grabbing a book wherever I went. Back then it was Enid Blyton. It could be the Mr. Men series.

I remembered that I had all 42 of them and I kept them till college.

My Happy, Mr Strong, Mr Topsy-Turvy.

They would entertain me for hours.

While they no longer sit in my bookshelf, some habits just don’t change even as years pass.

Photo Contributed by the Author

This is the pile of books I have on my working desk. Today.

It is through endless reading that my mind started forming tapestries of brilliant, time-tested lessons from various authors. It was then I decided that I had to write.

That was the start of my writing journey.

It was about journaling.

I would carry a journal along with me, having it in my bag.

Whenever multiple illuminating thoughts whizz past my head, I would find a simple coffee-place to sit and consolidate. A small cup of coffee with pen and paper does miracles.

While I am interested to pen my thoughts on paper, it seldom stops there.

A string of “aftermath” considerations would follow swiftly.

Simply put, it will present itself in this intrinsic form.

“Geez, I never thought about this. Why so?”

The writing will almost always end with a “why” and that will be the start of the next sequel of in-mind adventure.

I will be wrapped in my personal cocoon of self-thoughts.

That part of me has followed me for years.

And while I mature biologically and physically, my internal mind-wrap mature as I consumed more books.

Sometimes, I would get too deep into my abstract mind.

This is spurred by an interest in Theoretical Physics.

I often wonder how the world works the way it does.

What intrigues me the most is the how the Titans of Theoretical Physics actually discover the Truth permeating the Universe and investing a huge amount of their time to fine-tune the Mathematical equations that capture the essence of their discovery.

How did Issac Newton realise that the motion of the Stars is governed by the Mathematical Force of the Inverse Square Law? Did he really discover Gravitational Pull via observing a falling apple?

I think there is more to that.

Finding the real stories would keep me going for hours.

And I love that discovery process.

I write them into my journal as a matter of anchoring these thoughts into my mind.

When I do re-read them, it gives me that sneak peek into my mind.

“Geez. Why am I even interested in this? Okay, it is time to improve my writing as well.”

Recently, I took the path of sharing my thoughts publicly over various online platforms available. It started with social media posting where people engage with somebody else’s contents.

I thought, “Social Media is great!”.

Maybe I can put my thoughts out for sharing.

And it all started out with that simple premise.

As various social media platforms evolve and account holders grew by the millions, technology soon took over.

A scene that I didn’t expect or appreciate.

Just being very honest now.

Through Search Engine Optimisation (S.E.O.), every possible hot topic gets exponentially magnified as writers and social media contributors aim to ride on the uptrend for more viewership. Some do that for advertisement dollars, others do that for engagement.

I understand.

That said, it frustrates me to see the same news re-written in different forms or styles over and over, peppered with opinions.

These days, I simply scrolled over.

It was only fairly recently that I chanced upon Medium.

Actually, I didn’t know that it exists until a close friend of mine pointed it to me.

“You might be interested in this, bookworm.”

Yes, I did.

It was the closest I could get to the good ole’ days of endless reading and highlighting.

Naturally, it has that slightest element of social media where fellow writers and readers could connect and comment but nothing crazy compared to the Social Media Blue Chips.

It is a pure bliss.

That is why I started typing.

I type to connect with like-minded individuals.

I type to communicate.

I type to share my thoughts of the World I see, the books I read.

Maybe I will be an author one day.


As of today — I am a content contributor.

One who is working to improve his writing and typing as he devours more books for breakfast.

And over coffee.

And just a wild thought.

Will we finally have that virtual bookmark one day?

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About the Author:

As a Consultant by training, I believe in making the complex simple.

Because simplicity adds value.

Simplicity helps us gain clarity, and clarity helps us to grow.

And if we are not growing, then what’s the point of anything else?

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