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How To Take Advantage of the Power of Intuition

Learn to use this psychological function to have a broader view of your reality.

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Sometimes everyone admires a certain person, but you don’t know why, you feel that that person is not really admirable. This means that your intuition warns you that they are not as they seem to be.

Intuition is a psychological function that helps you perceive, discern or sense things, independently of reasoning or analysis. Thanks to it, you are able to guess several things about a person, a certain situation, or what will happen in the future, without any logical explanation.

Some people have this psychological function more developed in their psychic sphere than other people.

Intuition helps them understand what is happening in external reality or capture details about someone’s personality that are imperceptible to most people. They can predict what will happen in the future easily, even unlikely things.

If you are one of the people who have a well-developed intuition, you will not find it difficult to notice invisible details that most people cannot notice.

However, if intuition is not your strong suit, you need to learn to develop it.

Interpreting your dreams with the method discovered by Jung can certainly help you develop all your psychological functions at the same time: thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuition.

You need to develop them thanks to your efforts, because although you can understand your reality with four psychological functions, you do not use all the psychological functions that you have.

All people have only one fully developed psychological function and a second, partially developed psychological function in the conscious region. Therefore, the other two psychological functions remain atrophied and need to be developed by each person through psychoanalysis.

We need to make an effort to pay attention to the psychological functions that have not been developed in our conscience because we don’t like them.

We are accustomed to using only the two psychological functions that have already been developed in our conscience and are opposite to those that are atrophied. Therefore, it is unpleasant for us to pay attention to psychological functions that are opposite to the functions we use.

However, when we develop them we have a broader vision and we can solve our problems more easily.

How To Develop Your Intuition

Intuition is a psychological function opposite to sensations, as Carl Jung taught us when he analyzed all psychological types. This means that in order to develop your intuition you must disconnect from your bodily sensations. Therefore, you should not give importance to material pleasures to capture the abstract information of intuition.

Intuition is a hunch or an impression. This psychological function looks like an instinct, but it is actually an introspection that does not happen automatically like instincts, which help us survive.

Intuition is the search for information through abstract elements of spiritual content that can help us guess the characteristics of a person, of a situation we observe, or guess what may happen in the future, without making logical deductions.

Train your intuitive ability by trying to read spiritual signs that can give you abstract information about what you ignore and trust the impressions you have.

However, be careful not to influence these impressions with your opinion, which is based on your thoughts.

Often what may appear to be intuition is actually a projection of your expectations. Don’t confuse what you can capture with what you expect a person or situation to be like, or how you expect a future event to unfold.

Try to capture intuitive signals without interference from thoughts and desires.

This is difficult at first as you may get confused, but if you are persistent, your divination will be based on your intuition and not on other factors.

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