How To Attract Money With Your Vibrational Energy
Money is energy, here’s how to attract it
Money, money, money, money, money
This elusive thing we all want and need but can’t seem to grasp without keeling over with a heart attack. But hey, if the Wright Brothers can invent a plane during a time people thought only birds could fly; Why not try vibing your money to you through energy.
Everything is Energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can’t help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics.
-Albert Einstien
What is Money Anyway?
Many people don’t know that money is energy. Understanding this concept alone is the secret sauce for attracting money now!
The Bible says “as a man thinketh, so is he” and Science says “mind over matter”.
So you can think money into your life!!!
It’s like spiritual banking.
It’s a scientific fact!
Also, here is some more chemistry :
According to Brian talking about Einstien in his article, he mentions:
“Is Matter energy?
The mass of these three particles is less than the weight of a neutron, so they each get some energy as well. So energy and matter are the same things.
Another fun way to explain it:
According to “Matter is everything around you. Atoms and molecules are all composed of matter. It has the same molecular structure, whether it is a gas, liquid, or solid.?”
Every thing is energy, thought, even money, everything you see around you is energy, the chair your are sitting in and everything you see around you was once imagined first and created through thought energy.
Ok, so mind your money matters.
But you have to mind it in a certain way, by thinking you already have it.
By thinking in a certain way, the energy of your thought vibrates at a specific frequency that matches the pictures in your mind of you being rich!
I’ll explain below :
What is vibration and How is this connected to money?
“Your ‘vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you.”- Cassandra Sturdy
Everything; thought, action, and beliefs, all carry a vibration.
Vibration is like a radio wave.
The vibration of your thought, like radio, is broadcast-ed to everyone and everything around the relationship to it. Like a radio, that invisible vibration you broadcast-ed becomes attracted to and aligned with anything with that particular energy which includes the power of money.
How do you get things from vibration energy into reality? Once you know that you are offering up a vibration, you will do it deliberately and turn thoughts into things!
How to attract money and how you are blocking it.
To turn thoughts into things, there must be a vibrational match for the idea to materialize in your physical world. You can’t tune into 1010 am while trying to tune into 107.5 FM, it’s not a vibrational match and not in alignment because those are two completely different frequencies.
In the same way, rich and poor thinking are two completely different frequencies. It’s not a match; You can’t be rich if you have poor thinking.
To attract money, you must be a vibrational match to it.
How can you tell if you are a vibrational match?
You can tell by the way you feel. If you feel good and positive about money, you’re a vibrational match. If you feel bad or negative about money because of it’s absence it is not a vibrational match.
Your work is to go forth into this physical environment looking for things that are a vibrational match to joy, connecting to source energy, and then following up with the inspired action
-Esther Hicks
Poor thinking is turning your attention to what you do not have and why you don’t have it.
Rich thinking is feeling abundance now by focusing on having your desire and why you want it.
Poor thinking is fear, worry, doubt and anxiety.
Rich thinking is courage, appreciation, love and joy.
Poor thinking is blame.
Rich thinking is responsibility.
Poor thinking is negative, therefore producing a negative bank account.
Rich thinking is positive, therefore producing a positive bank account.
If you want to be rich AND happy, you must keep a positive account of what’s happening in your life. This exercises your vibrational power into showing up as a positive bank account, i.e. you’re loaded!
To think rich, you must turn your attention towards abundance by using your imagination. Imagination is a powerful tool! Remember, everything around you was once imagined first before physically manifested into a spaceship, dress, or pencil.
Wealth is a state of mind, and to get into that state of mind, think about how good you will feel when you have it. Imagine yourself bursting with excitement. Having a playful child-like mental creative workshop when you wake up in the morning can boost your mood for the entire day, when you promote your spirit, your vibration rises. When you become, you are a vibrational match for your desires.
The Law of Attraction is as real as the Law of Gravity.
To Attract money now is understanding the law of attraction. A lot of people don’t take the law of attraction seriously because it’s invisible and you can’t see it. People don’t believe what they don’t see.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
But you can’t see Wi-Fi either, and I bet you’re using that invisible power of the world wide web to read this article.
The foundation for law attraction is that whatever you manifest in the external world is a direct reflection of the vibration you hold within your inner thoughts and feelings.
In other words, You are the creator of your reality.
Is that good news?
What state are you in, if you were a radio, what station are you tuned to, wealth or poverty?
You already hold the keys to the door of wealth. All you have to do is unlock it with a new prosperous state of mind using the action steps above.
Helpful Resource
If you are broke or want more, I found a solution to that. I invite you to read an Awesome book called:
“The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles was written in 1910
This classic book is now public domain!
This means you can google the PDF of the book for free without violating copyright laws. For your convenience:
Here is a FREE PDF of “The Science of Getting Rich”
The link will redirect out of medium straight to the PDF on the internet archives which is a non-profit free library without the internet marketing fluff.
To attract money now, get excited and watch for signs of money flowing into your life today!
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