How To Activate The Throat Chakra
“Your voice is the most potent magic in existence.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
It’s Time To Speak Up
Childhood trauma, communication challenges, nervousness, or fear of judgment are all reasons the throat chakra may be blocked. One way you can observe if your throat chakra is clogged is tension in the throat. If obstructed, one might find it challenging to speak truth because of a lack of confidence. You might keep quiet because you feel you have nothing valuable to share with the world.
I mentioned recently in a voice recording that I had some struggles using my voice. This happened because a church leader attempted to silence me when I was younger. I intuitively feel I am not the only one. As we continue the ascension process, we should take courage and speak our truths because it is needed more than ever. Contrary to what you might think, you have something valuable to share.
I now realize that the throat chakra begins to open once the heart chakra is activated. Below I list ways we can collectively activate the throat chakra.
Speak The Truth
In this 3D reality, we have many opposing views; pro-life and pro-choice, Democrats and Republicans, pro-gun and anti-gun, pro-vegan and anti-vegan, etc. Pardon my French, but I’m not talking about that shit. These extremes were intentionally created by the Matrix handlers to keep humanity divided, fearful, and hating each other.
The truth only reveals itself to the truth seeker. The truth seeker is an individual who goes within to seek validation. These people see through illusions and do not rely on anything outside them to draw a conclusion. Because of this, their views might seem outlandish initially. Genuine truth seekers are not easily swayed one way or another. They are fair and nonjudgmental; they are peacemakers. They never seek to destroy and knock down; they always seek to heal. These are the individuals that must boldly step out and speak the truth.
When speaking the truth, the throat chakra is activated, and words become powerful, magnetic, and therapeutic.
Speak From The Heart
“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” — Matthew 12:34
The farther we move along our spiritual paths, the less we speak. This is because we observe and listen. We only use our voices when we have something of value to say. This happens because we understand the power of the spoken word. As the saying goes, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
When we use our voices, we must ensure our words are few and seasoned with grace. To accomplish this, we must speak directly from our hearts, not out of fear, ignorance, or ego. If unsure how to respond, simply state, “I am uncertain how to respond to you at this time.” The spoken word is one of the most effective spells in this reality. We must pause and reflect on things before voicing our thoughts and opinions.
Once activated, the heart is full of love, compassion, and kindness. If expressing ourselves in a way that opposes that, we must go within and do additional healing.
Face Your Fears
We can begin to activate our throat chakra by facing our fears. If you are uncomfortable with public speaking, intentionally go outside on the weekends and speak to a crowd regarding something that inspires you or take courses to develop that skill. Remember to be patient with yourself. Skill development takes time, but practice makes perfect. Peace & love, Ari.
© Ari Love, 2023