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4 Signs Your Crown Chakra Is Opening

Sharing my personal experiences with crown chakra activation.

Photo by Susanna Marsiglia on Unsplash

Many articles are available on this topic, but I decided to share my personal experience. Below is a list of several things that have occurred since my crown chakra activation.

Past Life Memories

Once my crown chakra began to open, significant past-life memories started to resurface. This is important when understanding our connection to places and events. Additionally, it aids with deep healing because it connects us to past life experiences. For example, I now realize family abandonment stems through many lifetimes. Now I can address this trauma through healing.

Wisdom Beyond 3D

I am amazed at how much information I have retrieved beyond this 3D reality. There are things I know but have never learned in this lifetime. This occurs more often once the crown chakra has been activated. When this happens, you may ask, “How do I know or where did I learn this?” More than likely, you did not learn it in this lifetime. You are pulling knowledge from higher dimensions, past lifetimes, or parallel realities. It is quite fascinating.

Spiritual Downloads

Downloads from higher dimensions happen more often once the crown chakra is open. This occurs more frequently because we are more clear-headed. This means we can retrieve this data easily. The downloaded information may be a new book idea, song, or knowledge to pass on to the collective. This information may come to you suddenly; write it down immediately because it comes and goes very quickly.

I suggest carrying a notebook and pen with you at all times. My downloads usually happen when I awaken or in the early morning (3 a.m. to 5 a.m.).

Vision & Life Purpose

Once we reach crown chakra activation, our heart, throat, and the third eye are open. With this, we exude love, speak truth, and see through misconceptions. When this occurs, we become more focused, and our life purpose becomes clear. Additionally, we become visionaries and visualize the life that aligns with our highest timeline; crown chakra activation means it is time to boldly step into your life purpose.

Closing thoughts

Healing and learning are ongoing on this journey. There is always room for recovery, no matter how evolved you are. Therefore, humility and openness are essential on this path. With this vulnerability comes unspeakable peace, deep compassion, and acceptance. Once the crown chakra is open, you become unbothered. You live in the 3D reality but no longer resonate with it. You learn to mind your own business and walk your own path. You become bolder in your truth, confident in your vision, and more connected to everything. Peace & love, Ari.

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© Ari Love, 2023

Spiritual Growth
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