avatarNiharikaa Kaur Sodhi


How I Got High Without Substances

The similarity between drug intake and mindfulness is the feeling of ecstasy

Photo by Živa Trajbarič from Pexels

Imagine the feeling of being a part of something larger. Your body feels heavy with energy but feels so light like it's not a part of you. You close your eyes and realise there's an entire universe out there, and in you. You are filled with stars and you're a spec in this huge galaxy.

You close your eyes and try to breathe into the moment. Every breath feels like a blessing. Out of all things we do, breathing comes the easiest to us. And out of everything we do, breathing is also the most essential force.

There are no thoughts in your head, and your mind feels at peace. All the stress and overthinking go away, and this moment of feeling like a piece of energy in larger energy is a feeling you want to hold on to.

You feel whole but also a part of something. You feel love, and your chest is also overflowing with energy for love to give to others.

As you move, you align your body to your breath. When the mind and body are in sync, you feel wholesome and complete.

This feeling is like fireworks on a celebration day.

How it all started

This is how I’ve felt multiple times doing yoga. I come from the land of yoga and was forced to do it in school, but it bored me so much. Why all these weird postures and breathing styles?

For a year, I’ve been following it on YouTube and my mental and physical health have moved to another dimension.

You don’t get or give love, because you are love.

After a little more than a year, I’m also experiencing a shift in my spiritual health. My vibe and my spirit, my ability to let go and snap back to the present, my preference to choose joy and kindness over everything — I didn’t know these traits exist in me.

But most importantly, creating an aura with energy filled with love. You don't get or give love, because you are love. And when that happens, you surround yourself with strong positive energy.

Why Do Some People Stay More Composed Than Others?

When you align your breath with your body and you align your mind with your soul, dealing with tough situations becomes easier.

You choose your response to what life throws at you. Often, you’re so comfortable with a label being a part of your identity instead of a temporary emotion that your joy and happiness can get stolen because of it.

Wait, that was a little too much to seep in. Let’s understand with an example.

Let’s take the example of Lisa. Lisa is short-tempered. Lisa gets into an argument with her partner and her defence mechanism is to scream and say mean things that might hurt her partner. She later apologises and blames it on her personality trait, because she’s a short-tempered person.

What if Lisa wasn’t fixated on her personality trait? Maybe she would’ve listened and been calmer in a situation. If Lisa didn’t attach this label as a part of her, maybe she would be angry less often because anger is an emotion that comes and goes. But making it a part of you is inviting it more often than you should.

Your emotion is not you, it’s just an emotion. It comes and goes. Anger is an emotion, but everybody who feels angry is not a short-tempered or angry person.

And What Else Happened?

Our words carry energy.

If I say something mean to you, it will release negative energy which will come onto you and affect you. Hell, even if you say something mean to yourself, you’ll upset yourself, which is why positive self-talk helps you better your physical and mental health.

Some of us criticise ourselves but are often unaware of it. When I was overweight, I criticised my body multiple times a day. But the harsh comments were so normalised and a part of my daily routine that I didn’t feel I’m doing something wrong.

Remember that energy called love, which we spoke about?

When you say negative words, have negative intentions, or think negative thoughts — you’re subconsciously releasing negative energy around yourself. And just like love attracts love, negative attracts negative.

Being in this state helped me realise our thoughts are just thoughts, and it’s important to fill yourself with goodness to experience ecstasy.

How to Feel This Sense of Ecstasy?

The universe is not around you; the universe is with you, in you, and a part of you.

When one is on drugs, they feel happy. They’re in a state of ecstasy. This makes them want to take drugs again because they’ll feel good after it. Repeated behaviour around this leads to addiction.

When you’re on a high or a trip with drugs, your senses feel different. It’s a feeling you haven’t felt before. Your body is so attuned with you, you feel you’re exploring parts of yourself you didn’t know existed.

But you can do this by other practices. For me, it was doing yoga, meditation, and chanting every day.

The universe is not around you; the universe is with you, in you, and a part of you. But you have to take the first wise step to tap into your inner stars and explore the galaxy you hold within.

You are the light of your own being, and all you seek can be found within.

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