avatarNiharikaa Kaur Sodhi


The article discusses the benefits of Aum chanting and how it can stimulate three powerful chakras: Solar Plexus, Throat Chakra, and Third Eye.


The article introduces the concept of Aum chanting and its ability to send frequencies to specific chakras, which can help with motivation, communication, and intellect. The author explains how each sound in the chant (aa, oh, and mm) corresponds to a specific chakra and provides instructions on how to perform the chant. The author also shares their personal experience with the practice and the benefits they have experienced, such as increased ambition, confidence, happiness, and creativity.


  • The author believes that Aum chanting can help stimulate three powerful chakras: Solar Plexus, Throat Chakra, and Third Eye.
  • The author suggests that sound therapy can be used for healing and that Aum chanting can help balance and unblock chakras.
  • The author recommends practicing Aum chanting on an empty stomach and suggests that it can be added to a daily routine.
  • The author encourages readers to enjoy the journey of practicing Aum chanting and not to attach themselves to any outcomes.
  • The author provides a link to a video for further information on the topic.

How AUM Chanting Can Reverberate Your Three Chakras

For success, power, and intellect.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Bear with me for 2 lines of introduction before we jump right into what you clicked for.

In May 2020, I attended the Inner Engineering Online program by Isha Foundation. Over 2 million people across the globe have completed this program that introduces you to learn a technique called Shambhavi Mahamudra, a mixture of yoga postures, breathing (pranayama), and meditation.

Now, in those 7 lectures, one of them was about Aum chanting.

Sounds have the power to send frequencies to your chakras, which is why there are various types of sound therapies for healing.

Aum chanting doesn’t just reverberate energy around and inside you, but stimulates 3 of your powerful chakras. These are:

1. Solar Plexus (manipura)

This chakra is responsible for feeling motivated, ambitious, and having a higher sense of self-esteem and purpose. People which an imbalanced solar plexus chakra experience low self-confidence and poor decision making.

You will stimulate this when you chant aa.

2. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

A balanced throat chakra helps you communicate effectively. As explained in Healthline,

According to Diane Malaspina, PhD, a Yoga Medicine therapeutic specialist, if your throat chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may:

- be fearful about speaking your personal truth

- have a harder time expressing your thoughts

- feel anxious about speaking or communicating

In addition, Malaspina said you may experience outbursts of emotion or even the opposite: extreme quiet or refusal to speak.

You will stimulate this when you chant oh.

3. Third Eye (Ajna)

This chakra is related to imagination, concentration, intellect, self-expression, and intuition. An imbalance or blockage in the third eye chakra can lead to pessimism, confusion, and lack of clarity.

You will stimulate this when you chant mm.

A blockage in chakras can also manifest in your body as a physical disease, but that's a discussion for next time. So now we’ve understood the parts of Aum chanting where each sound sends frequencies to a specific chakra.

Now, let’s figure out how should you chant.

The practice

  1. Sit cross-legged and close your eyes
  2. Put your hands on your knees in gyan mudra (touch the tips of your index finger and thumb, and join the other 3 fingers)
  3. Chant aa 7 times, feel the vibrations in your stomach.
  4. Chant oh 7 times, feel the vibrations in your throat
  5. Chant mm 7 times, feel the vibrations in the forehead
  6. Chant Aum 21 times (should sound like aa-oh-mm as one syllable)

Important things to note

  • When you chant aum, the sounds of aa, oh, and mm should be approximately equal so don't stretch too much on one sound
  • Chant this 21 times
  • It’s preferred to do it on an empty stomach since there’s a certain heat that is developed in the stomach

My experience with this

After my class last year, I have been practising this every day. I have added this into my routine by doing it post-workout as I exercise on an empty stomach.

Let’s come to the sub-heading which spoke about success, power, and intellect because the opening of these three chakras helps there. Did it help me in these three areas?

Undoubtedly, yes. A year ago, I didn’t feel half as ambitious as I did right now, and this feeling isn’t just in my head but supplemented by actions that only further light the fire.

Here are the other benefits that I’ve experienced:

  • I feel a lot more ambitious
  • My confidence has improved a lot in the last year
  • I feel happier
  • I feel more creative
  • My head churns ideas all the time

That being said, I also started yoga a year ago so these improvements could be a byproduct of practising both. Plus, I’m sure that further improvements are in process and will reach the surface for me to realise soon.

In practices like this, having fun in the process and opening your eyes with a smile on your face each time you finish is a lovely feeling.

I’d strongly suggest you not attach yourself to any outcomes and enjoy the journey because we will all have our own benefits.

You can learn more about it in this video:

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