

"A Christmas Poem" conveys the essence of Christmas magic, emphasizing that it lies in the joy and warmth of togetherness and open hearts rather than in material things.


The poem "A Christmas Poem" delves into the true spirit of the holiday season, asserting that the essence of Christmas transcends the physical trappings such as decorations and gifts. Instead, it resides in the intangible moments of happiness and love shared among family and friends. The poem, inspired by a photograph, encourages readers to recognize the magic in the small, heartfelt gestures and the warmth of being with loved ones. It suggests that by choosing to focus on unity and kindness, one can experience the joy of Christmas throughout the year. The author, Mitch, through this piece, wishes for everyone to understand that the magic of the season is eternal for those with open hearts, and it begins with the simple act of letting others in.


  • The author believes that the magic of Christmas is found in the emotional connections and experiences rather than in physical objects or decorations.
  • The poem expresses that the true essence of the holiday is captured in moments such as the twinkle in a child's eye, the warmth of a family room, and the genuine smiles shared between people.
  • It is suggested that Christmas magic is a choice, one that involves actively looking for what brings people together and appreciating these unifying aspects with a fresh perspective.
  • The snowman, personified in the poem, symbolizes the wish for all to recognize and embrace the everlasting nature of Christmas spirit, which is accessible to those who remain open-hearted.
  • The author emphasizes that the festive season's enchantment is not confined to a specific time of year but can be sustained by maintaining a sense of togetherness and love.

A Christmas Poem

His Wish

What the Snowman Knows

Photo by James on Unsplash

I watch the lights and holiday trees Looking through windows in front yards Fireplaces crackle, carols fill the air Mommies laugh as they write Christmas cards.

But the magic of the season isn’t in stockings on the walls It’s not in the presents wrapped up with bows You won’t find it in the tinsel draped through the halls Though they’re pretty to look at, I know.

It’s in the tiniest things. It’s the twinkle in the eyes of a child It’s in the warmth that fills every family room It’s in the way your lips curl up when you smile.

On days when the snow falls, and when winter wind blows Gather your cherished ones close Think for a moment, how wonderful it feels when you’re with the ones you love the most.

My wish for you is to remember those days When life happens and drifts you apart Magic always happens when you open yourself up When you let others in. That’s how it starts.

It’s a choice you make every day to look for what brings us together I promise it’s as easy as looking with new eyes And on that day, you’ll see — Christmas can be forever.

That’s what the snowman knows. His Wish is for everyone to know it too It’s always Christmas, for those with open hearts. The magic is in you. Mitch.

This story was written in response to December Photo Prompts (Photo Prompt 3) by Susi Moore.

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