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Hiding Your Secrets

Maybe this is Karma’s way of paying you back.

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This is a Choose Your Own Adventure Story. Go back to the beginning by Linden Schneider here. Return to the previous chapter here. Do you love writing Choose Your Own Adventure stories with other authors? Find out how you can contribute!

What your partner doesn’t know, won’t hurt them.

In Vacation Roulette’s unnerving morality quiz, the last question asked if you would be willing to kill your significant other to save ten lives.

You answered yes.

It’s not in your best interest to reveal this to your partner, even if you feel guilty about it. You’re still anxious about going on Vacation Roulette, though, since the mysterious texter warned you that it was a trap.

But what if your partner is right and the text message was just a prank? Are you going to throw away an affordable and luxurious vacation just because some asshole wanted to mess with you?

Most of all, you can’t stand the thought of disappointing your partner. You already gave such a heartless answer about them on the quiz. The least you can do is to agree to go on the vacation with them. Right?

A few days later, Vacation Roulette sends you the air tickets via email, and you find out that they are first-class seats.

It’s odd how generous the organizers are. You’ve only flown on first-class once, and it was during a particularly sad time in your life.

On the morning of the vacation, you drag yourself out of bed, and see your partner already eating breakfast. A short while after, you arrive at the airport and climb onto a fancy jet. With how attractive the flight attendants are, you’re thankful that your partner isn’t too interested in them; they’re more interested in the food.

Afterwards, you doze off, only to wake up moments later. Your partner grumbles. “What the hell? Turbulence?”

The pilot announces just what your partner said, but he sounds cool and collected, as if this were an everyday occurrence for him.

Indeed, you feel the uneasy sensation of riding on an unstable plane. Idly, you wonder if you’ll die before the vacation. The organisers won’t even have time to kill you.

But your partner doesn’t seem daunted. They curse and mutter, but they gradually grow absorbed into a movie they picked — Barbie, out of all movies.

You’re not in the mood for such sugary sweet films right now, so you choose Oppenheimer, even though you’ve watched it already. At least the grim plot matches your mood.

The plane lands with a jolt, but otherwise, you, your partner, and the other passengers are fine. You cling tightly onto your armrests. What if that mysterious messenger was right, after all? What have you done to yourselves?

In the waiting area of the airport, you crouch on the chairs, while your partner insists that you are worrying too much. “It’ll be fun. Come on!” they protest with impatience.

Hopefully you’ll still have a life after this. Maybe this is Karma’s way of paying you back for all that you’ve done, regardless of your repentance.

A few minutes later, a lady with shoulder length, wavy chestnut blonde hair shows up. She smiles widely when she sees you two and stretches out her hand. “Hi, you must be here for Vacation Roulette. I am Sandra, one of the organizers. We’re excited to see you here!”

She seems friendly, right?

  1. No. Run away while you still can.
  2. Maybe, but you don’t trust her. You’ll play along but you’ll watch out for anything strange.

If you enjoyed this story, here are the other chapters in this choose your own adventure series so far!

Choose Your Own Adventure
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