avatarJohn Worthington


Hey Dems, Grow a Set or Lose the Midterms

Of Course, You Could Just Play At It…

Illustration by BSIENKART (with permission from artist)

I suppose a number of you are old enough to remember that it was Yoda who said, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Maybe we should send our Democratic Senators digitized copies of Star Wars so the force could at least find them. I mean, Darth McConnell uses his force to do what he wants. I wish the same were true for Chuck Skywalker. What a wimp, eh? The guy wouldn’t say the common word for “caca” with a mouthful. Darth withheld a Supreme Court nomination from a sitting president for more than a year. But Chucky can’t get the filibuster suspended even for voting rights legislation. He can’t find a way to pass this mandatory protection of Democracy. How is that even possible? There’s a bill to implement background checks that the House passed two years ago. Yo Chucky, get off yer butt and get ‘er done, how about it?

It bothers me that these boys are a bunch of wimps, but what really galls me is that they let someone like the Dark Lord of the Mar Lago intimidate them with threats and ratings. If Chucky and Co. were worth a damn they’d be trash talking that whole fantasy world of the last election and the supposed power of the Dark Lord. But these clowns bow and scrape as badly as Kevin the McCarthy Boy who could never make up his mind about what he wanted to do if he ever grew up. All during the Obama administration I kept hearing about what would happen when and if the Democrats came to power. You know what, power doesn’t even count if you don’t use it.

Take these yahoos who are defying subpoenas. There are cells available to the Congress for just such occasions. I would rather not hear anything more about the rule of law, if the rule of law is not going to be honored by the use of those in-house holding cells. If Peter Navarro were introduced to some government hospitality for his willing defiance, do you think he’d be filing a lawsuit to deny the January 6th committee his testimony? He might. But if he spent some time enjoying house hospitality he might also find a way to recalculate his reluctance to speak about something he understands all too well. But then I guess that kind of use of power wouldn’t be politically correct, huh? But when the Manchin boy from West Virginia shows his butt that’s politically okay? Why is that silly man still on any committees, Chucky? And Kyrsten from Arizona? She is still not the walking wounded? What good is power if you don’t use it?

I think it might be instructive for the whole of the Democratic Party to consider that what the American people liked and still like about the Dark Lord is that he stood in what he believed. I don’t think many people actually like the man’s self-aggrandizement, but they do like that he had the chutzpah to do something that looked like standing up for himself. Hell, I don’t think the Dark Lord has or ever did have a policy, but he doesn’t back down from even stupid positions. That’s not a good thing mind you, but it is admirable. If only the Democratic folks could stand that hard on what they claim to believe.

How can something with an 89% approval rating not become law¹? What is it that the Democrats are missing about background checks being ever so popular? 89% of Americans can’t Agree that ice cream tastes good? Backing that legislation is something that carries a lot of power. But Chucky Skywalker and his squadron of star fighter pilots can’t even attack the Death Star of the last election. Give me a break fellas. There ain’t 11,000 votes hanging out in a suitcase somewhere on a rainy night in Georgia. So why would you act like you’re afraid that someone will find them?

Beto O’Rourke has a set that clank. The unmitigated gall of the man to walk into the Governor’s press conference and confront him on his stupidity. I don’t care if you like what the man said or not. You have to give him credit for standing up for what he believes. That’s a lot more than the Abbot fellow does. How about the guy who shared sushi with Sr. Cruz? Hell, even Teddy couldn’t smug that away. Every television outlet in the world got that on the air the same day it happened. See Beto and the Sushi guy used power. It ain’t hard to let the force be with you, as it were.

Folks, the Dark Lord demands his minions pay homage to him at his palace on the Mar Lago. I understand that Joe just ain’t that kind of guy but come on, a little respect for yourselves would go a long way with voters who want to see some action on some sort of protection for people in grocery stores, churches, and kids in a fourth-grade classroom from being shot by weapons of war by disturbed young men with manifestos. Those are the voters who do not want to revisit the horrors that George Floyd’s death brought to their television sets and computer screens. The voters I’m talking about are interested in honest elections to be overseen by the same local people they’ve known and trusted for years, and they’re not interested in Jewish space lasers starting forest fires in California or BS about a political party trying to control your eating habits. They’re not worried about George Soros funding a global cabal of blood drinking elitists. They know that’s all hogwash. I mean, have you ever taken a group of kids to a Chuck-E-Cheese pizza joint. It’s pure bedlam.

So listen up all you Democratic Kuties: read some tea leaves and get clued in. You gonna lose the midterms unless you stand up on them hind legs you got. That’s why you got them. I don’t think I can stand to even hear another apologetic speech from Chuck Skywalker about how he’s tried to bring something to a vote but unfortunately there are those who just can’t get there. So take them down a peg or two or three, like a leader should, until they do get there. Or are you going to roll over like a scared puppy and say you tried yet again?

Democrats have this upcoming election in the bag if they stand up for themselves. The forces of the Dark Lord are a laughing stock. Kevin can’t stand up for himself. Marge is certifiable, Mo turned tail. Florida Ron is getting his butt handed to him by the courts for trying to legislate free speech out of Florida. The Johnson boy from up in Wisconsin is off in some alternate reality of his own making. And that guy from Pennsylvania who wants to be governor is growing an ever longer nose. You might not have noticed but this bunch has a few rather obvious weaknesses. Not the least of which is a decided disconnect from reality. Anyone with any common sense at all should know how to take advantage of such mentally challenged individuals. The only question in my mind is if the Democratic Party has the backbone to stand up for what they claim they believe.


1. Romano, A., & Wallechinsky, D. (n.d.). Departments. AllGov — Departments. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from http://www.allgov.com/departments/legislative-branch/united-states-senate?agencyid=7433

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