avatarTree Langdon


Here’s How To Get More Reads

Think like a long-distance runner

Photo by Luis Felipe Lins on Unsplash

Years ago I decided to start running.

I hated it.

Most of my run was spent thinking about the end. When would I get there? How much longer did I have to go before I could stop this awful thing that hurt so much?

I asked a good friend, who was a runner, for their advice.

He told me to change how I thought about running. Instead of focusing on the end, I should focus on each step as I was taking it. One step at a time, I would eventually reach my goal.

It completely changed my experience.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I slip into the bad habit of focusing on the end goal. So do you.

You talk about it all the time.

  • How do I get more reads?
  • Where should I share my stories?
  • How can I make more money from my writing?

Here’s what I know. It helps to take it one step at a time.

When you create something new, pay attention to your intentions. When you write your story, your energy will affect how your creation is viewed by others.

When your intention is to inform, teach, or share, your energy will be more positive and so will your writing.

What has worked for me?

  • Writing and posting consistently. Once a day, once a week, whatever works for you. Show up on the page and people will start to notice.
  • Write tantalizing titles. Practice writing headlines that are so intriguing that people are compelled to click through and read.
  • Get them with your first paragraph. A great title gets a reader into your story. Next, make it interesting so they keep reading.

Clapping (a lot), highlighting (not too much), and commenting (always) are ways we’ve discovered to support each other.

If you know me at all, you know I’m into building community and finding different ways to support each other.

That’s what I do.

This next invitation is for writers and readers.


When you FOLLOW a writer, it does two things.

  • One, it helps them get to the coveted 100 followers they need to join the Medium Partner Program.
  • Two, it allows you to see their articles in your feed more frequently. That brings me to the second feature. SHARING.

When you SHARE an article, it gives it a wider audience, which supports your team member by increasing their readership.

It’s easy to SHARE. Just click on the little Twitter bird and voila!


When you SUBSCRIBE to a writer, you’ll get their stories in your inbox.

  • Find writers that you love to read.
  • SUBSCRIBE to their stories.
  • That way, your inbox will receive stories that mean something to you. You don’t have to read every single one. They won’t mind. Just make a point of reading the ones that call to you.
  • And if you read it, please SHARE it.

Here’s another thing that has worked for me.

Participate in a Challenge

Here’s a Challenge to write in a series.

Tag me so I can see your challenge responses.

Now that you have a few ideas to improve your readership take action and watch your reads improve. When you take the time to build community, you will find some interesting writers to hang out with.

Become a better writer in 5 minutes a day. Join me here.

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Self Improvement
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